Welcome! My name is Rin or Night (I go by both), I am a writer and the proud creator of The Poisoned Chalice. I work very hard at making time for my passion and hope you enjoy reading what I write as much as I enjoyed writing (and agonizingly edited ;p) them!
Docs, Pencil, Paper, A Creative Ever Contemplating Mindset
Hello everyone, I have been having a tough time balancing RL and writing as of late. So, I have decided to cut down on my updates. I have also realized that I would like to finish this story (bc plot lines) before posting any more episodes. So as of now TPC is on hiatus release wise (Im in the process of writing still, it will take time) I am working on a revamp of first 3 chapters, I will be editing a few things and re uploading. Thank you all for the support, it means allot
Hello all!
Chapter 3 of The Poisoned Chalice (I will probably refer to it as TPC for the sake of convenience) will most likely be split to make it easier for the reader (And honestly the writer who has a full time occupation >.>) to digest.
Chapter 3 will have multiple perspectives within it, so buckle down everybody! Crazy assassin guilds and questionable fathers aren't for the faint of heart ;)