I'm a professional children's book illustrator who thought, "yeah, why not make a webcomic while I'm free and all from the bounds of corporate life?" And that's why I'm on the internet, publishing a webcomic. I love coffee, webcomics, coffee, sports, music, coffee and tea.
First few pages of The Royal Hunt are here! Woop de doop! More to come hopefully next week...TBH, I'm in a bit of a pinch right now because my pen tablet broke so I've been trying to come by using the mouse. (I work as a freelance illustrator so a big boohoo to me). I'm still saving up/raising up some funds for a new pen tablet so until then, updates will be choppy.
So, sorry about that. Be sure to stay tuned though because I have a few more pages up my sleeves before my updates become regular.