by meatballwan
Chao Zhenyu had died. As he gazed alone into his void of an afterlife, all he could remember were his final moments. His throat had been cut; his ...
dark, Fantasy, Action Fantasy, Thriller/Horror
Azul Mamani is a nobody. It doesn’t matter that he’s a great-grandson of the Megarchon, the tyrant ruling the entire world—until today. For the fir...
dark, BL, Romance Fantasy, Thriller/Horror
**ILLUSTRATED** The shy son of a rebellion leader is taken captive by a fearsome knight in this medieval dark romance. Tags: M/M, Dark Fantasy, D...
Dante is the one who keeps the stacks tidy - perfect, even. No books go in, and The Book doesn't go out. Basil, a year below him and utterly ridiculou...
dark, BL, Mystery, Thriller/Horror
by WildPikachu
The beautiful story about a Pikachu who is fighting to survive the world of humans trying to catch him.
Darkhumor, Comedy
Witches. We don't see them. But, nevertheless, they're there throughout time and history. (Didn't do the cover, but whoever did... great job!)
the_overworldly, Fantasy
by Eijeon
Fuun has been living with nightmares his entire life. Normally, dreams happen and then pass by without a second thought; Fuun's dreams creep into his ...
the_blinded, Mystery, Drama, Thriller/Horror
by rouri & lina
استوعبت لينا و يا ليتها لم تفعل ، استقر الإدراك كحجر ثقيل في أعماق عُباَبٍ متلاطم الأمواج .. غلفت دموع الرعب عينيها لكنها رفضت تركها تسقط ، بدأت تشعر ...
The_system, Science fiction, Drama, Thriller/Horror