MK's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by MK_Wizard
In this more comical and lighthearted take on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic story, in attempt to better himself through science, the brilliant, kin...
comical, Mystery, Action Fantasy, Comedy
by Pandactyle
Random life stuff that goes on between working, home, and other odd tidbits. A comic drawn for therapeutic purposes.
comical, Slice of life
by Allen Lu
A lazy, awkward, good-natured sloth and his everyday adventures in what it means to be human. Updates Mondays!
comical, Slice of life, Comedy
by Allen Lu
A lazy, awkward, good-natured sloth and his everyday adventures in what it means to be human. Updates Mondays!
comical, Slice of life, Comedy
by Jason
Sorry to say, but I will be getting shoulder surgery (on my drawing arm) and so will not be able to work on my comic for a while. Hopefully, I will ha...
comical, Slice of life
The fun, comical adventures of a bat, dragon, and brontosaurus.
comical, Comedy
by doghouse132
funny comic from everything to when batman sleeps to what happens if someone puts on frosty the snowman's hat and where fairies sit on the food chain
comical, Comedy