"The land whispers" is a collection of short stories loosely based off of Romanian folk tales.
folk, Thriller/Horror
On the ravaged earth of the far flung future, pockets of humanity strive for survival and glory. Old tales are reborn, eternal hungers stirred and...
folk, Thriller/Horror, Action Fantasy, Fantasy
In Folkstown, where pigs are surprisingly human and humans are surprisingly… not, a naive teenager conspires against The Big Bad Wolf. Written by K...
folk, Fantasy
by Wuta-Tumaki
Anhangá conta as confusões na floresta que foram causadas quando Anhangá, o protetor dos animais, acaba acordando o temido Mapinguari que destrói tu...
folk, Comedy
by Wuta-Tumaki
Caipora e Curupira não param de brigar, e isso gera caos na floresta para os animais, tupis e outros seres como eles. E agora para deixar tudo mais co...
folk, Comedy