Oh so random occurrences on everyday life, and sometimes cats. -- Don't forget to check my Patreon Page, if you want to support my Work! http://www...
internet, Slice of life
"We answer all your questions relating to the world of fandoms... which we are also clueless about"
internet, Comedy
Hiddenfolk - A story of bullies and trolls
by Hiddenfolk
Lester Selman stands on a bridge, hundreds of feet above the raging river below. He is fifteen years-old. He won’t be the first kid from Hiddenfolk to...
internet, Fantasy
Welcome to the Internet. Google will give you the tour. You can move to the grand city of FaceBook or live in your own url out in the country. Twitter...
internet, Comedy
if "exists" = //RUN: "Send help" ; / we found\ something bad; { INITIATE} (I am) speaking /to/ you {from within}; //P.S. "Mr Finks" { "I'm Sor...
internet, Comedy
by hisoh (otom)
The Tracking Team! Series presents... Working with a foreigner can be hard for the rookie, Song. Meeting the girl in plaid, he works his way up t...
internet, Drama
The Exciting Adventures of Marisol
by Pulporila
Marisol is an anti-systematic and socially inept girl who hates the world. Her ultimate goal is to be the leader of a youth revolution; if her incom...
internet, Slice of life
Please Don't Make Me Dial Their Number
by keke
Stuart left you on “Seen?” Karen ignored both of your snaps? Josh says he’s too busy to answer his text messages, yet he’s sliding in Stephanie’s DM’s...
internet, Comedy
by toonlancer
before Sam, Emma and The Critic where Cult Awesome, first they had to become Internet Famous.
internet, Slice of life