Shirou pov
In the battles leading up to this point, I lost many people. Sakura died by Caster’s hands and set free something inhumanly bad that I did not wish to know but knew I would have to clash with. Then as for Rin, the golden archer Gilgamesh, former servant of her own father dealt her a death blow before all of this began. Now it is just Saber – true name Artoria Pendragon, and I had to stop the bastard priest and the golden archer from turning my sister into the grail and unleashing hell on earth that would make the fire that took me life away pale in comparison and we also needed to learn the truth about the black monster that came out of Sakura. We knew we needed to win and wasn’t sure if even Avalon within me was enough to do so. But I know I gave her all the mana I could but hoped it could make a miracle.
While I clashed with the priest and his curses, Artoria clashed with the first hero in recorded history. I knew I was struggling and so was my servant but when all hope seemed lost, we both used the power of Avalon to land our blows at the same time. Then with that I could tell my servant saber had fallen. In that moment, I wished we could see each other again but the power of my wish made something else rise from the muck. A copy of me or what seemed like me formed into a shadow with just eyes then he formed into a copy of me but with black tattoos that turn blue. Then he said, “I can grant that wish but you have to be willing to cover this planet in my curses.” I knew I couldn’t let that happen and used every last drop of mana I could to form a copy of Excalibur and strike him down. But then I felt pain surge throughout my body until I heard Ilya’s voice say, “do you want that chance to be a hero?” I only said through the pain “yes, I still do.” She then said “I will take that as your wish, I can make it since you killed the taint within the grail. But sadly, your body won’t do so I will give you mine with some improvements.” It was after that I blacked out.
Shirou ??? pov
I wasn’t sure how much time passed but I found myself on a bed and woken up by the sounds of an alarm clock. But on hitting the alarm I found a note and it said “as you read this don’t panic you are a girl now and the wizard Marshall of this earth. To give you a stable enough body to become the hero you need to be I had to merge my body with a version of yours frozen in time. The merger caused your new body to wake up, but ten more years passed, and you are in a japan that went through a vastly different set of circumstances. First, the ages of gods never ended but most normal people have any idea gods are among them and birthing children, second magecraft is about at the same level but with mana spreading more freely it is much easier. Third besides gods; other supernatural creatures like kami, devils, oni, yokai and such. But the final factor that makes this world lost most of its mystery due to the birth of a child that proliferated supernatural powers to humanity.”
“It spread slowly at first but in time the formerly supernatural communities had to decide if they wanted to blend in with the superhumans or stay in the shadows. At this point the supernatural powers known as quirks are in the hands of roughly eighty percent of humanity has powers most are the powers known as quirks given by the child but some are other supernatural powers known as type two quirks and most governments including the Japanese don’t care what if you have them as long you don’t commit or fight crime in as an unregulated person, to do so you need to be a hero, soldier or police officer. You will learn all about that in school, starting in a month. Zelretch will contact you in about five years from now. Your new name is Emilia Von Eizbern, and your legal age is eleven-year-old.”
Emilia pov
I then went through the books to firstly learn how to use the bathroom and anything else to do with my new female anatomy and quickly learned it wasn’t too overly complicated and learning all the new tech wasn’t too much of a problem as well. I then spent the next month learn history of this world including supernatural history included and it wasn’t long until I discovered I gained two new roommates in the form of a mother and son, named Izuku, the son and Inko the mother both with the surname Midoriya. Both would live with me and the mother would help take care of the house and pay the bills. I learned this world’s version of Kiritsugu who my biological father was post my fusion with Ilya, died during the time period my body was in suspended animation but left a massive sum for my care and use when I come of age. The old vampire took over that money and hired the mother to be my caretaker and then live-in caretaker about a year ago. It turns her husband worked overseas and had fire breath while she has a minor gravitational ability, and her son was one of the few powerless people.
I learned my quirks/ power set came in the form of using my reality marble to create weapons from magic, to perform structural analysis on things and finally an item known as divine dividing, that would give me wings for flight and the power to divide strength and draw that and magical energy into my own body. The item seemed to have more advanced functions that I would have to learn to unlock in time.
Over the next few years. Inko helped me learn more about my new female body and how to take care of it and even helped me with bra shopping as well as shopping for tampons when I finally hit my period. In exchange I helped her deal with stress better that just eating and helped her burn off the extra fat she had put on. For Izuku he was a good training partner for me, and I even helped him deal with his main bully Katsuki Bakugo. I brought down the blond bully a few times as well as taught Izuku how to best counter the explosive boy, but the green haired boy struggled due to being quirkless but was still willing to help me train with my quirk.
I had mostly figured I was going to need be pushed much further to truly tap into the further powers of the wings other than flight and to divide power every ten seconds. I still didn’t know how to use said power from longer ranges like sword or spear range at worst or even better bow range. But for three years we had a normal family life with the three of us. From what I could figure about quirk genetics Izuku should have a quirk but didn’t. but even the leading scientists didn’t know how quirks were passed, weren’t passed or mutated or if they could even be stolen.
Then in class Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku and I all mentioned about wanting to go to UA hero academy and I was going to help the boy get into general studies at the very worst. After school that day, I stayed behind for archery club while Izuku went home early. But after that day, Izuku seemed to go through a mental change and said, “I don’t want need you to train me anymore, big sister Emilia.” It was after six months and noticing Izuku’s building muscles or higher protein diet. Then in the seventh month I followed him stealthily and saw him training with his mentor All Might and as they trained, I discovered the hero was clearly running out of time to use his powers. It wasn’t much longer, that I learned All Might was grooming Izuku to become his successor and mentor. It was at month nine, All Might discovered me and convinced not share this secret. By that point was developing my own shapely but modest chest of about a low b-cup.
It was after I finished watching my next training session of All Might and Izuki, he challenged me to a battle requested by Zelretch himself and I accepted in hopes it would push me to the level to exceed my limit and tap into the true power of divine dividing. the top-ranking hero then said to me “I would like one last fight before I pass my power on and I want to see if you have the potential to carry Izuku to further heights. My successor isn’t really sure how strong you are, and that weird British guy thinks I can push you to ‘break the stalemate’ as he says.” With that we set our fight for tomorrow night. The hero set up our battle for one of the training fields at UA. I brought an outfit like a blue and white version of archer’s former outfit. I knew this time around with the more advanced tech of this world and money my birthfather left me to get a hero outfit company going mostly to make armor for myself but Inko talked me into pushing it to help others as well, so the company became the leader in hero support in japan.
When All Might saw my outfit, he said “you know UA would provide something like that to you on making it into the hero course.” I didn’t say anything to him and went in for attack with my dual blades, but he dodged my slashes only for me to hit him with a well-timed kick and start dividing and drawing out his strength and he replied “so your power keeps drawing out my power and likely adding it to your own from physical contact. But from how your wings are glowing you can’t hold all of my power. I just have to try and avoid direct hits.” With that he started to use hits that created shock waves to me away. But I used swords to try and do any chip damage I could to slow the large man down and hope I could run his stamina out before mine did. I tried as hard as I could but the pure power of All Might was more than the recently reactivated holy sheath could keep up with. All Might even has anti-air attacks and that left me breath hard until a shock wave brought me to the ground.
I then blacked out and seemingly inside my head I heard a voice inside my head that said, “using more of my power we might be able to defeat this monster of a man together.” I then asked the voice “who are you and how did you get inside my head?” then the darkness in my mind changed to light and a large white feathered dragon appeared before me and said “I am Albion the vanishing dragon or you may call me the white dragon emperor. I ask the same of you my vessel, you seem different from the time and since you woke up your mind scape began to fill up with swords.” I replied “I think that other version of myself gave up from being stuck in the time void and died. So, when my old body died, my sister fused this body with hers to give me a useable body. Now how can we defeat him Mister white dragon.” The dragon replied to me “since we finally met your desire to win unlocked balance breaker scale mail. When you wake up say drive form over booster and we will have ten seconds to try and win.”
When I came to, I said to the number one hero, who was walking away “it isn’t over All Might I just gained even more power. Drive form divine dividing. then I heard the voice of the dragon inside my head as white armor the same color as my wings formed over me and I said “this is my next level of power. The power of the vanishing dragon Albion.” He then said to me “that power looks mighty impressive, but can you give me a good sending out party. With that I began to drain the hero’s power as I charged and made a punch to the hero’s jaw as my armor broke down. after that I feel to my knees and the hero seemed to still be standing but then feel out of his muscled form and said “you put up a good fight for just gaining that power and I am sure all you just showed me you can pass the entrance exam in two more days. I have heard legends of the white dragon and am sure you just tapped into a portion of it power. I can’t wait to see your growth as things go by.”
It was the next day before the entrance exam came, the old man I knew as Zelretch came to the house and said to me “so you have seemed to grow well in these four years, and you seem ready to be a hero, but simple balance breaker for ten seconds may not be enough. A new evil just revived and gained a power to make things even worst. A power that could destroy this world unless the strongest heroes can stop it. I just hope you will be ready to fight it in time.” I then asked the old vampire “will I have to face this world ending treat alone.” He then said to me “you won’t be alone two other dragons and a saint along with your future classmates to aid you. I set things in motion to give this world the best chance it could have but you will need to be ready for it. Now take this Kaleidostick-type Mystic Code magical emerald and train more to fight what is coming.”
Chapter end
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