6 episodes
Episode 1
Mar 07, 2023233 views
Episode 2
1: Bad Taste
Mar 07, 202393 views
Episode 3
2: Crazy Bitch of the West
Mar 07, 202369 views
Episode 4
3: Hearing Conversations
Mar 07, 202372 views
Episode 5
4: Dream
Mar 07, 202388 views
Episode 6
5: Craving your... blood?
Mar 07, 202365 views
Beatrice Simmons doesn't know what's in store for her. With her eighteenth birthday a few day away, things are around her are starting to change. Hearing conversations from across the halls, the strange urge to drink her best friend's blood, and the way her skin seemed to be blemish free overnight. To top it all off, a letter comes in the mail demanding her attendance, to some prestigious school that doesn't exist. Then her uncle, who really isn't her uncle tells her who she really is, and what's in store for Beatrice. She's a vampire, a royal one. And her place isn't on Earth like she thought, but in world where Supernatural's are real. As Lies become truth, and Truth becomes lies, will Beatrice be able to find out why her birth mother was killed? Or will the very people that killed her mother get to her first?
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Beatrice Simmons doesn't know what's in store for her. With her eighteenth birthday a few day away, things are around her are starting to change. Hearing conversations from across the halls, the strange urge to drink her best friend's blood, and the way her skin seemed to be blemish free overnight. To top it all off, a letter comes in the mail demanding her attendance, to some prestigious school that doesn't exist. Then her uncle, who really isn't her uncle tells her who she really is, and what's in store for Beatrice. She's a vampire, a royal one. And her place isn't on Earth like she thought, but in world where Supernatural's are real. As Lies become truth, and Truth becomes lies, will Beatrice be able to find out why her birth mother was killed? Or will the very people that killed her mother get to her first?
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