1 episode
This futuristic dimension was a departure from its original dimension....with the pillar of possibility. This story takes place in the year 2070 of dimension A 10.10 in a short theme in this story, "Kenji" will experience a reversal of identity and will live his life once again with the same joys and the same tragedies, little by little realizing what is happening, he decides not to change his canons...(this series is a short and varied series from the SOREDAKE series)
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This futuristic dimension was a departure from its original dimension....with the pillar of possibility. This story takes place in the year 2070 of dimension A 10.10 in a short theme in this story, "Kenji" will experience a reversal of identity and will live his life once again with the same joys and the same tragedies, little by little realizing what is happening, he decides not to change his canons...(this series is a short and varied series from the SOREDAKE series)
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