Eight year old Addison Montgomery sighed. He was supposed to be practicing his violin but he was too excited. His father was coming back from a two week trip just in time to umpire his baseball game. It was the best day ever.
And along with his father's return came three new members of his family. He hadn't met them yet, but his father had mentioned them so much Addison felt like he was waiting to meet an old friend.
His excitement only grew as he saw his dad's energy efficient car parallel park outside their humble city row home. Out popped his dad, a tall brawny man with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Addison was a slight version of his father and was told constantly how much they looked alike. He waited with baited breath as his father opened the passenger side door, anxious to finally see his new stepmother.
"Wow," he whispered in hushed awe. She was a staggeringly beautiful woman. Gorgeous auburn hair pulled up in a strict bun and a beautifully painted face. She looked extremely well-to-do and Addison wondered if she knee they lived so humbly. They weren't poor but Addison's father didn't believe in flaunting and spending ones money frivolously.
Then two girls around the same age as him got out of the back seat. They were dressed in outfits that definitely would not have passed for play clothes. Addison frowned. Why would they want to dress like that?
The pretty blonde one large brown eyes was wearing a pretty white dress adorned with pearls and bows. Her hair was styled in a fancy up do and also had pearls in it. If he remembered correctly, her name was Marissa.
And that meant the other one was Rachel. She had the beautiful auburn hair that apparently ran in the family and the same brown eyes as her sister. She was wearing a deep purple dress that seemed light and ethereal despite the dark color and there was a matching ribbon in her hair.
They went up on the porch to come in the front door. Addison set his violin down gently and ran down the stairs in time to see his family enter.
"Daddy!" he yelled in childish delight running up to hug his dad's leg.
"Addi," his father greeted warmly. He bent down and picked the little boy up in his arms. "Jeez, I think you grew some more while I was gone!"
"Really?" the little boy asked excitedly.
"Really, truly," his father ruffled his hair. He turned around still holding his son and introduced him to the new family members.
"Addi, this is your stepmom and sisters, Marissa," the blonde girl glared at him, "and Rachel," the other girl waved shyly.
"Hi!" Addison greeted happily.
"Now, who's ready for some food? I know I am," Addison's dad said jovially. "To the kitchen!"
He bounded through the house carrying a giggling Addison while the others followed. And they had their first meal together as a family.
When the meal was over Addison's dad turned to him, "About time to get ready, Squirt."
"Yeah!" Addison cheered before running upstairs to change into his baseball uniform.
"Ready for what?" his stepmother asked politely.
"Oh, Addi has a baseball game this afternoon and I'm gonna be the umpire."
His wife's face contorted in disgust. "Baseball?" she clearly wasn't a fan.
"Yeah. I knew you weren't a fan so I didn't mention it to you. You don't have to come..." he trailed off. That was, he really wanted her to come cheer on her new son.
"No, I'll come," she said sounding resigned. "It'll be a good way to meet people," she decided sounding as if she was trying to convince herself that the statement was true.
"Okay Dad, I'm ready!" Addison shouted. And then the happy family left their home driving to the baseball field that was within walking distance of their house.
Oh my God, is this a good game, Addison thought. They were winning, just barely, and putting up a valiant effort to increase their lead. Soon it was his turn up to bat. The pitcher threw two balls that Addison managed to get a piece of but both were fouls. The next three pitches were balls which left Addison with a full count and sweaty palms.
Everything came down to this last throw. The pitcher threw the ball and Addison swung his bat. The ball far out over first base and Adison heard his coach scream for him to run.
He ran to first and got the signal to keep running. Made it to third, and was running for home...
When he realized something was wrong.
With his dad.
Something was very wrong.
His dad wasn't standing where he normally was when umpiring and, as Addison watched, the man fell over.
"Dad!" he screamed and ran to the man, game forgotten.
Both coaches came out from their respective areas. One felt his dad's neck and wrists, checking for a pulse, and yelled for a doctor.
Somebody came and grabbed him, yanking him back from his dad.
It was his stepmom.
She held him close as they both cried.
A nurse that had been in the crowd was doing something where she pushed on his chest. But... Addison didn't think it was working.
And then he heard sirens.
An ambulance pulled up and they loaded his dad up. Soon they were off to the hospital. Addison, his stepmother and sisters followed behind in a car.
By the time they got to the hospital Addison's father had been pronounced dead.
His wonderful day had turned into a nightmare and he felt so alone even with more family around than ever before.
His dad was gone and he wasn't coming back this time.
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