Two figures chatted at the small but cozy cafe, “High School. Not just High school, but a boarding school.” one of them mused. “I suppose that’s also full of interesting stuff.” The other nodded, but her face held an expression of disgust. “I don’t even know why we visited the other school. I think they were trained and housebroken in gray colored homes with gray colored grass and sky, and they were whipped if they even showed emotion,” The other girl sighed “I feel bad for them. I almost saw a connection there,”
“Almost as in barely.” The second one muttered. She jiggled her knees. “I also hope that we’ll have the same dorms. Head to head thinking with diagrams helps a lot.”
“High school sounds so fun! After all, only a few months ago we were middle schoolers! It’s also really nice that we’ll be able to see some of our old middle school friends there,” the first one squealed.
The second one sighed lightly at the show of optimism. “Middle school was fun, but it went by so quickly. As you get older the years go by so fast. I almost remember the times in elementary school when we woke up at 8 o’clock and called that early.”
“High school won’t be much better. Now remember why we came here. We have to think up a secret system for our matchmaking hobby,” The first one reprimanded
“ ‘kay, what should we call the connections?” the second one sipped some black coffee. “Blegh, why can’t I add sugar?” she whined
“Don’t. Sugar will make your energetic attitude unbearable. Hmm, remember that science experiment with plastic cups we did that started the whole matchmaking thing? Why don’t we call the matches plastic cups?” the second girl suggested taking a bite of her cinnamon roll and sipping her peach boba tea.
“Sure! Remember how I have this weird habit of being able to see people as animals? How about the code names are what we see them as animals?” The first girl nodded thoughtfully as the second continued.
“If the plastic cup is definitely not happening anymore we can call it titanic, people who will forever be single are hunters or huntresses, and when a couple is canon, we can call it buoyant.” The second one nodded, satisfied, and the first one pounced on the first bit of notepaper next to her.
“First order of matter, making ourselves huntresses…”
The second one winked. “Are you so sure about that?” the first one punched her in the shoulder, and in response, she giggled. Then, more seriously, she said,
“I heard this school only lets you choose 2 courses, and there’s a set schedule. What if we don’t get anything together?”
The first girl reassured her friend “I’m sure weĺl at least have something together,” but even she wasn’t convinced. They paid their for their snacks and headed out the door in a depressed mood. They gazed at the cold-gray stone building. Smokewall High school, here we come. Both of the girls thought with great despair What they didn’t know, was that this year, along with being hard, was going to be epic.
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