7 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 06, 2018434 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: I Told You So
Apr 10, 2018148 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2: Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
May 08, 201891 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3: Mohawk
Jun 04, 201876 views
Episode 5
Chapter 4: Smooth as Sandpaper
Jun 04, 201895 views
Episode 6
Chapter 5: Count yourself lucky
Jul 18, 201887 views
Episode 7
Dec 05, 201995 views
Life’s hard, but you know that life is harder in High school. Along with body odor, grades, peers, generally mean people, lockers, and sleep, there’s also that complicated little mess over there called love. And the friends Sirena and Sela are trying to untangle that mess. An optimistic, sociable, stubborn fangirl, and a highly caffeinated, bipolar, bookworm. Honestly, what could go wrong? But you have to remember, they’re only high schoolers too, and they have stalking the relationships to worry about, so they’re in for one heck of a ride.
This was written by my friend Fathom, and I
We do not own the cover.
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Life’s hard, but you know that life is harder in High school. Along with body odor, grades, peers, generally mean people, lockers, and sleep, there’s also that complicated little mess over there called love. And the friends Sirena and Sela are trying to untangle that mess. An optimistic, sociable, stubborn fangirl, and a highly caffeinated, bipolar, bookworm. Honestly, what could go wrong? But you have to remember, they’re only high schoolers too, and they have stalking the relationships to worry about, so they’re in for one heck of a ride.
This was written by my friend Fathom, and I
We do not own the cover.
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