"It's a Budgie's Life" is a project I started since last year and I was hoping to work on it as a new comic series. But due to my limited work schedule, I decided I couldn't invest all my time on it.
I never knew so many readers would show so much love to my budgies. And that there were many bird owners out there that can relate. It made me happy and urged me to draw more birdyful comics.
I only had in mind doing a "couple" of episodes...but that in time became over 80 episodes, in which LINE Webtoon reached out to me a month ago to be featured on their site.
Thank you for your time reading this, and those who discovered this just now, I have moved over to a different site! Hope to see everyone there! Cheers.
-Muffin Girl
When it comes to birds we think they are just fluttering little creatures who have no contact with humans whatsoever. But bird owners know that's not true! Like pet dogs and cats (and even fishes) birds have a personality of their own.
Find out in this adorable, fleeting little comic and discover the secrets, the thoughts of everyday budgies a.k.a parakeets!
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