4 episodes
Episode 1
First Gift
Jan 21, 2019476 views
Episode 2
Packing & Carrots
Jan 21, 2019223 views
Episode 3
Jan 23, 2019124 views
Episode 4
Cautionary Tales
Feb 02, 2019305 views
Lynn's always believed in helping people. Luckily, there's a job for that. Along with her best friend, the wise-cracking rabbit (not a bunny!) Ogden, and her wizard frenemy and fellow student at the Academy for the Gifted, Cass, Lynn's gonna do whatever it takes to deliver happiness with heart, humor, magic, and the most powerful weapon of all: eternal optimism.
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Lynn's always believed in helping people. Luckily, there's a job for that. Along with her best friend, the wise-cracking rabbit (not a bunny!) Ogden, and her wizard frenemy and fellow student at the Academy for the Gifted, Cass, Lynn's gonna do whatever it takes to deliver happiness with heart, humor, magic, and the most powerful weapon of all: eternal optimism.
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