"Jogo do Bicho", literally, 'animal play' was a small lottery created by the owner of the Rio de Janeiro Zoo in 1892, based on the animals you could see there, to help make some money while economy wasn't doing well. With the easy way to make money, the informal lottery became famous on Brazil and it became illegal in 1946, despite still being played secretly from the authorities to this day.
While the animals were just a reference for the Zoo, it became simple the idea about dreaming with one animal and play it on the lottery. But, what it happens if instead of dreams, they were nightmares, and instead of winning a money prize, YOU would be the prize of those nightmares?
"Animals' Lottery" tells the story of π12-45, an android robot from the year 3'5XX, how he was 'dreaming' about being a little kid in the years of 2'02Xs, and how this boy called David, supposedly π12-45, get involved with those terrible nightmares.