1 episode
Xayah Davenport was a very important figure in the history of Phazlith, however her name was forgotten through time and war. Her descendant Elijah now finds herself being born as Xayah. With having lived a life filled with nothing but horrors how will Elijah adapt to her new life as the heir to the Davenport Duchy and impending wars ahead? Will she prevail and never have to live a horrible life again? Or will she fail and bite the dust once again?
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Xayah Davenport was a very important figure in the history of Phazlith, however her name was forgotten through time and war. Her descendant Elijah now finds herself being born as Xayah. With having lived a life filled with nothing but horrors how will Elijah adapt to her new life as the heir to the Davenport Duchy and impending wars ahead? Will she prevail and never have to live a horrible life again? Or will she fail and bite the dust once again?
Completed series
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