Garlic as you can see is very easy to grow indoors so long as you give them enough light and water. When you do grow them, the whole plant it turns out is edible. The leaves and scapes(young flower bud and stem) can be use for things like stir fries and what not.
I have done some research on the internet to see how they should be cared for and it says you should keep them in a sunny window. Obviously I'm no doing that here since my room doesn't get that much direct sunlight to begin with so I'm trying to improvise with a full spectrum LED light bulb in a desk lamp. The little 'weed' in there is a Swiss Chard seedling. They're more shade tolerant than garlic and they like moist soil.
Rule of thumb with growing plants from seed: Seedlings of all kinds love moist soil until they've gotten well established. This rule also applies to growing plants from cuttings.
The pot I'm using is terracotta clay pot. I've found them to be the best for growing plants when combined with a water reservoir. Terracotta's porous nature allows water to be more easily absorbed from the reservoir into the potting soil as the plant needs it. It helps prevent over and under watering when combined with the proper planting medium.
3/5/18: Happy garlic? It certainly didn't want to fit into the cropped picture, that's for sure.
3/12/18: Ack! What happened to my garlic!? Last night I had noticed it had flopped completely over and was stinking up my room. I hadn't watered the little reservoir for a few days but the soil was still wet so I thought it was rotting. I gave it some water in reservoir just in case it thirsty instead of dying. This morning, when I checked on it. the reservoir was empty and it was looking better so i gave it some more water and moved it to where it could get some direct sunlight.
A photographic tutorial/diary for growing and caring for plants with varying success. Hopefully this will be of some use to those of you who don't have much luck with plants.
As per requested by LittleBee
Also I might be willing to post tutorials and general information on what I know of beaded jewelry. You see some of my finished work here:
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