2 episodes
Hello! This is a spin off funny comic of a book my friend and I are writing. It's supposed to be horror but because we wrote so much comedy in it, we didn't know what to do with it. So I just took the comedy parts and drew them into a funny comic. I know my drawings are crappy, I'm so sorry. I hope you guys think it's okay. Also, the cover is not mine, I'm just using it for now until I draw the cover.
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Hello! This is a spin off funny comic of a book my friend and I are writing. It's supposed to be horror but because we wrote so much comedy in it, we didn't know what to do with it. So I just took the comedy parts and drew them into a funny comic. I know my drawings are crappy, I'm so sorry. I hope you guys think it's okay. Also, the cover is not mine, I'm just using it for now until I draw the cover.
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