She looks at me crying, She hates me, like she wants to kill me, No, I won't let you mess me up, I'm the one who hates you you used me, I never believed your lies and they never believe him.
Wait ... she's incredulous, did I hurt her? Why? Before I could say anything she slowly approaches me, she pulls me a present and runs away swallowed by the crowd in the party.
While the comedians head spinning and the voices around me begin to surround, due to the whistling in my ears, I hold my head in my hands covering my ears unable to think about what I can do, my vision begins to blur, can I chase it? do i have the right?
I don't know either, I'm confused about what is right to do, I misunderstood everything that happened, she was really mine her eyes don't lie, those eyes that have always looked at me with an honest and kind look, stupid you are a stupid angela she has always treated you well and with love and so that I repay, I am truly heartless.
I try to understand what is real and what is not, my thoughts are increasingly confused.
I wake up from my thoughts, I leave to look for her not caring about my ill being, I understand that I have lost but I will do everything to make her be mine again.
Where? ... I understand that she is gone, and that I have lost my friend, the first one who ever cared about me.
I need to talk to him but after everything I've done I don't think I'll do it
"I was wrong, she admitted if I could go back I would not let her go.
She will find you and let me be by your side, please "I said, crying, realizing that I have lost her.
Angela will find herself in the grip of the beautiful Shanti, opening new worlds to her and confusing her ideas of who she is, what she wants and what love really is.
Has she always believed that everyone approaches him to be close to her famous brother and by abandoning her when they can, will she be able to find someone who loves her because she is herself?.
after a terrible conflict will Shanti?
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