6 episodes
Episode 1
1. A Spectre of Murder
Apr 28, 20191k views
Episode 2
2. Mommy Dearest
May 05, 2019278 views
Episode 3
3. Betrayal
May 11, 2019169 views
Episode 4
4. A New Lead
May 17, 2019152 views
Episode 5
5. Revenge is a Dish
May 17, 2019167 views
Episode 6
6. Beth Served Cold [Epilogue]
May 17, 2019164 views
Detective Forrest has been tasked with the investigation of a missing fifteen year-old girl, Beth Phillips.
With rising tensions from her ghost, he must solve her apparent murder and finally set her soul at peace.
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Detective Forrest has been tasked with the investigation of a missing fifteen year-old girl, Beth Phillips.
With rising tensions from her ghost, he must solve her apparent murder and finally set her soul at peace.
Completed series
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Hayden's notes
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Comic Mystery 12.7k likes
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