2 episodes
a Drama that follows the lives of Uni students during their summer break.
Set in England in the early 00's, a time when the term 'hipster' was just becoming a thing. A story about hipsters and punks.
This is about cliques, subcultures, sincerety, Identity and explores the blurry line between Irony and Lying.
This comic was written in 2011, and was set even earlier! It's now an incredibly nostalgic story about a time that has weirdly become historical, so I'm very excited to present it with modern reflection.
The themes are very similar to the Me Too movement, and so I think have become weirdly relevant lately.
TW: will contain some scenes of abuse, at times (but just a bit, as is integeral to the story.)
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I actually wasn't expecting any support, i'm so grateful, people are really sweet, thank you so so much for your love - thank you all for keeping Princess Beast in your minds ;_; xxxx
a Drama that follows the lives of Uni students during their summer break.
Set in England in the early 00's, a time when the term 'hipster' was just becoming a thing. A story about hipsters and punks.
This is about cliques, subcultures, sincerety, Identity and explores the blurry line between Irony and Lying.
This comic was written in 2011, and was set even earlier! It's now an incredibly nostalgic story about a time that has weirdly become historical, so I'm very excited to present it with modern reflection.
The themes are very similar to the Me Too movement, and so I think have become weirdly relevant lately.
TW: will contain some scenes of abuse, at times (but just a bit, as is integeral to the story.)
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