1 episode
Charlotte Samson has been tricked. She was tormented by Madam Vaculik's promises of motherhood, and her Nora’s hexes. She came willingly to the House of Horrors. Only to become faced with real monsters. The worst of which is the Madam herself. Charlotte comes to after Halloween in agony and in the throws of her transformation into a Brood Mother. Adjusting to life as this creature, and dealing with her new 'mother', is not easy for the biology teacher. Especially with her new urge to mate all the time. She finally get's some semblance of normalcy, teaching in an international speaking school, when she meets Nanallis. This Scorpion does not like her, yet she can't stop thinking about him. Her broken heart seems determined to offer itself up for another beating. Especially when she comes across her ex and his new wife. Heartache and steamy encounters with Nanallis lead to a battlefield. Will the Spider capture the Scorpion, or will the sting of his words and tail be too much for her to bear? Does he even want her to fail? Or is there so much more lurking beneath his cool exterior and mysterious past? Who is this enemy that wants to kill all Underfolk? Will they survive the bloodshed? Will Charlotte finally find love and start a family? Holding onto it with all eight arms and legs?
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Charlotte Samson has been tricked. She was tormented by Madam Vaculik's promises of motherhood, and her Nora’s hexes. She came willingly to the House of Horrors. Only to become faced with real monsters. The worst of which is the Madam herself. Charlotte comes to after Halloween in agony and in the throws of her transformation into a Brood Mother. Adjusting to life as this creature, and dealing with her new 'mother', is not easy for the biology teacher. Especially with her new urge to mate all the time. She finally get's some semblance of normalcy, teaching in an international speaking school, when she meets Nanallis. This Scorpion does not like her, yet she can't stop thinking about him. Her broken heart seems determined to offer itself up for another beating. Especially when she comes across her ex and his new wife. Heartache and steamy encounters with Nanallis lead to a battlefield. Will the Spider capture the Scorpion, or will the sting of his words and tail be too much for her to bear? Does he even want her to fail? Or is there so much more lurking beneath his cool exterior and mysterious past? Who is this enemy that wants to kill all Underfolk? Will they survive the bloodshed? Will Charlotte finally find love and start a family? Holding onto it with all eight arms and legs?
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