1 episode
"Bottom Bites" is a series of one-shot comic pages that follows the misadventures of Richie and Eddie, two crude and hapless friends from the classic British sitcom "Bottom." Each comic page presents a standalone story packed with rude humor, absurd situations, and biting satire. From failed get-rich-quick schemes to disastrous encounters with modern culture, Richie and Eddie stumble their way through life with hilariously disastrous results. Whether they're navigating the perils of internet culture or simply trying to survive a trip to the local pub, "Bottom Bites" delivers laughs and irreverence in equal measure.
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"Bottom Bites" is a series of one-shot comic pages that follows the misadventures of Richie and Eddie, two crude and hapless friends from the classic British sitcom "Bottom." Each comic page presents a standalone story packed with rude humor, absurd situations, and biting satire. From failed get-rich-quick schemes to disastrous encounters with modern culture, Richie and Eddie stumble their way through life with hilariously disastrous results. Whether they're navigating the perils of internet culture or simply trying to survive a trip to the local pub, "Bottom Bites" delivers laughs and irreverence in equal measure.
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