3 episodes
Episode 1
1.0 The Witching Hours
Mar 20, 2020270 views
Episode 2
1.1 (Extra) Ordinary Days
Mar 25, 2020101 views
Episode 3
1.2 First Impressions
Mar 25, 202081 views
In a world where you can buy any spell you need, Magic is provided and hoarded by the Dracos. Ignorance is bliss until you can no longer ignore the signs. The leylines are dying and the Whole World- the Inner, Over and Outer Worlds- are becoming increasingly unstable. What can one elf do to help any of it...?
I'm trying something new during the Quarantine, and would love feedback! Thank you!
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In a world where you can buy any spell you need, Magic is provided and hoarded by the Dracos. Ignorance is bliss until you can no longer ignore the signs. The leylines are dying and the Whole World- the Inner, Over and Outer Worlds- are becoming increasingly unstable. What can one elf do to help any of it...?
I'm trying something new during the Quarantine, and would love feedback! Thank you!
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