In the bustling city of Cebu, Cedric, a call center agent, finds himself in the middle of a terrorist attack. He teams up with a mysterious guy named Marco, who seems to know more than he lets on. As they navigate the dangerous streets, Cedric begins to wonder if Marco can be trusted.
The soldiers are struggling to save the mayor and the local police who have been wiped out within an hour. The Department of Defense is doing everything in their power to destroy the enemy who have already positioned themselves in strategic parts of the city.
Amidst the chaos, Cedric and Marco encounter various challenges and obstacles that test their courage and resilience. Marco's mysterious past and unpredictable behavior add to the tension and uncertainty of their situation.
As they fight to survive, Cedric must decide whether to trust Marco or not. Is he a valuable ally or a dangerous liability?
Combining heart-pumping action with nail-biting suspense, Cebu Under Attack is a thrilling comic book that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
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