6 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1 – Focus
Mar 07, 2021248 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2 – The Slum Existence
Mar 07, 2021117 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3 – Doubts
Mar 07, 202181 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4 – Bloody Cheese
Mar 08, 202164 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5 – Fate of The Weak
Mar 08, 202193 views
Episode 6
Chapter 7 – Red Light Blood
Mar 13, 202171 views
As long as Franswift could remember, his life was always filled with struggles. Pain and hunger were constant companions. To him, those conditions, were viable to live with. But what came, after he realized he was in a mousetrap, was an atrocity.
He enters a world where Power is within reach to those with the desire to grasp it. In a world with countless possibilities, each can forge their own path. Warriors, mages, shifters, angels, demons, and more clash in a never-ending cycle of war to fulfill their desires.
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As long as Franswift could remember, his life was always filled with struggles. Pain and hunger were constant companions. To him, those conditions, were viable to live with. But what came, after he realized he was in a mousetrap, was an atrocity.
He enters a world where Power is within reach to those with the desire to grasp it. In a world with countless possibilities, each can forge their own path. Warriors, mages, shifters, angels, demons, and more clash in a never-ending cycle of war to fulfill their desires.
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