4 episodes
Episode 1
Nov 02, 2019187 views
Episode 2
Nov 09, 2019102 views
Episode 3
Amelia Stride
Nov 11, 201958 views
Episode 4
Nov 15, 201953 views
In the three releams there seem to be a delicate balance. A balance which has come after thousands of years of war with each other.
Can this world be protected or will it go into depths of war once again? (Find out in the next episode of DBZ [lol])
"Death is only the beginning, my friend"
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In the three releams there seem to be a delicate balance. A balance which has come after thousands of years of war with each other.
Can this world be protected or will it go into depths of war once again? (Find out in the next episode of DBZ [lol])
"Death is only the beginning, my friend"
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