3 episodes
Episode 1
Dear Ilmater,
Jun 28, 2020293 views
Episode 2
The Beginning Part 1
Jul 25, 202077 views
Episode 3
The Beginning Part 2
Oct 10, 202058 views
A dragonborn paladin of ilmater was sent on a mission by her father to find her mother but things don't go as planned. As a way of coping she gathers her thought in the form of a prayer even though Ilmater can not hear.
This comic is from my character's pov in the current d&d campaign I'm in! A lot of this is going to be from memory so some details may be off
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A dragonborn paladin of ilmater was sent on a mission by her father to find her mother but things don't go as planned. As a way of coping she gathers her thought in the form of a prayer even though Ilmater can not hear.
This comic is from my character's pov in the current d&d campaign I'm in! A lot of this is going to be from memory so some details may be off
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