15 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1 Cover
May 10, 20211.2k views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 Pt. 1
May 10, 2021609 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1 Pt. 2
May 11, 2021357 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2 Cover
Aug 21, 2021301 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2 Pt. 1
Aug 24, 2021356 views
Episode 6
Chapter 2 Pt. 2
Aug 25, 2021292 views
Episode 7
Chapter 3 Cover
Nov 13, 2021254 views
Episode 8
Chapter 3 Part 1
Nov 16, 2021287 views
Episode 9
Chapter 3 Part 2
Dec 26, 2021285 views
Episode 10
Chapter 3 Part 3
Jan 16, 2022277 views
Episode 11
Chapter 3 Part 4
Jan 16, 2022231 views
Episode 12
Chapter 4 Cover
Mar 16, 2022251 views
Episode 13
Chapter 4 Part 1
Mar 16, 2022292 views
Episode 14
Chapter 4 part 2
Jun 03, 2022227 views
Episode 15
Death's Apprentice News!
Aug 07, 202448 views
*Death's Apprentice has been rebooted! This version will remain up for archival purposes but is no longer being updated. The current version can be found under my profile or on my website, at www.sincerelytheo.art/deathsapprentice.
Phoenix Wren wants 3 things:
1. To spend time with his best friend, Ollie;
2. for his town to accept him even without the magical apprenticeship everyone except him received when they came of age;
3. and for people to actually see him as a boy, the way he knows he is.
All of that goes out the window when he nearly dies and wakes up face-to-face with the Grim Reaper, a figure that he wasn't sure was even real until then. Turns out he had an apprenticeship after all-- just not one that he ever wanted.
Now Phoenix has to learn the ropes of this strange new job, try to find his way back home to Ollie, not to let any ghosts (or anything else) blow up in his face, and figure out why in the Gods' names he even got chosen for this in the first place.
Warning: this comic contains death and fantasy violence. This was probably evident from the title but I wanted to make sure I had my bases covered.
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*Death's Apprentice has been rebooted! This version will remain up for archival purposes but is no longer being updated. The current version can be found under my profile or on my website, at www.sincerelytheo.art/deathsapprentice.
Phoenix Wren wants 3 things:
1. To spend time with his best friend, Ollie;
2. for his town to accept him even without the magical apprenticeship everyone except him received when they came of age;
3. and for people to actually see him as a boy, the way he knows he is.
All of that goes out the window when he nearly dies and wakes up face-to-face with the Grim Reaper, a figure that he wasn't sure was even real until then. Turns out he had an apprenticeship after all-- just not one that he ever wanted.
Now Phoenix has to learn the ropes of this strange new job, try to find his way back home to Ollie, not to let any ghosts (or anything else) blow up in his face, and figure out why in the Gods' names he even got chosen for this in the first place.
Warning: this comic contains death and fantasy violence. This was probably evident from the title but I wanted to make sure I had my bases covered.
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