4 episodes
Episode 1
Mar 05, 2017295 views
Episode 2
Mar 05, 2017139 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1. Dark Matter
Mar 06, 2017144 views
Episode 4
1-1 Dark Matter
Mar 06, 2017321 views
Dr. Eric Strecker is one of the most brilliant scientists that have ever existed. He just discovered what dark matter actually is.
But... he would have never imagined that all the mysteries of the universe are about to be revealed.
Science, philosophy and a destiny to fulfill.
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Dr. Eric Strecker is one of the most brilliant scientists that have ever existed. He just discovered what dark matter actually is.
But... he would have never imagined that all the mysteries of the universe are about to be revealed.
Science, philosophy and a destiny to fulfill.
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