21 episodes
Episode 1
Jun 11, 20211.1k views
Episode 2
Falling and Frying (1)
Jun 11, 2021361 views
Episode 3
Falling and Frying (2)
Jun 12, 2021219 views
Episode 4
Falling and Frying (3)
Jun 12, 2021195 views
Episode 5
Falling and Frying (4)
Jun 12, 202170 views
Episode 6
This is a janitor's job, right? (1)
Jun 13, 2021185 views
Episode 7
This is a janitor's job, right? (2)
Jun 13, 2021167 views
Episode 8
This is a janitor's job, right? (3)
Jun 13, 2021155 views
Episode 9
This is a janitor's job, right? (4)
Jun 13, 2021159 views
Episode 10
Training (1)
Jun 15, 2021176 views
Episode 11
Training (2)
Jun 16, 2021139 views
Episode 12
Training (3)
Jun 17, 2021144 views
Episode 13
Training (4)
Jun 18, 2021164 views
Episode 14
Into the Dream (1)
Jun 20, 2021153 views
Episode 15
Into the Dream (2)
Jun 22, 2021164 views
Episode 16
Into the Dream (3)
Jun 24, 202124 views
Episode 17
Into the Dream (4)
Jun 27, 2021186 views
Episode 18
The Third Collision (1)
Jun 30, 2021142 views
Episode 19
The Third Collision (2)
Jun 30, 2021195 views
Episode 20
The Third Collision (3)
Jul 19, 202122 views
(hiatus, rewriting brrr)
It was all wrong. Everything was going so horribly wrong… and then, his last light of hope appeared.
At his sleep, Shinichi was able to see the world's true form. Most importantly, he could somehow level up people's abilities and, eventually, he could obtain those maxed out abilities for himself! Thus, he begun his journey of collecting as many powerful people as he could. With this, he could return to his former glory...
There's also an odd figure in his dreams that resembled him… must be his mother right? She seemed to be warning him: "The world's devouring has begun and it won't stop until everything's consumed" or some other cautionary words.
Well... who cares about the end of the world anyways? He has other things to do. These warnings were not going to help his current situation. Best to ignore it!
Story and art all done by me! This is still at its early stages, so there may be a bit of edits in the future.
RoyalRoad: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/45507/devouring-of-the-master
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(hiatus, rewriting brrr)
It was all wrong. Everything was going so horribly wrong… and then, his last light of hope appeared.
At his sleep, Shinichi was able to see the world's true form. Most importantly, he could somehow level up people's abilities and, eventually, he could obtain those maxed out abilities for himself! Thus, he begun his journey of collecting as many powerful people as he could. With this, he could return to his former glory...
There's also an odd figure in his dreams that resembled him… must be his mother right? She seemed to be warning him: "The world's devouring has begun and it won't stop until everything's consumed" or some other cautionary words.
Well... who cares about the end of the world anyways? He has other things to do. These warnings were not going to help his current situation. Best to ignore it!
Story and art all done by me! This is still at its early stages, so there may be a bit of edits in the future.
RoyalRoad: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/45507/devouring-of-the-master
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