5 episodes
Episode 1
Rabbit's Feet
Sep 07, 2018362 views
Episode 2
To The Light
Sep 14, 2018183 views
Episode 3
To Succumb
Sep 21, 2018104 views
Episode 4
The Vulture Perches
Oct 12, 2018105 views
Episode 5
Salt Water
Oct 26, 2018106 views
Beyond the walls of tangled grapevines, outside the canopy of expansive and sheltering tree leaves—flat plains grew into the highest peaks. Yet, behind those very boundaries—and many like it—lay societies sheltered and oblivious, bound to themselves by both circumstance and matters outside their control.
Hidden behind those very gates, Xevla lay ignorant and shielded. When blessed by what he could only call prophecy, he stepped beyond his life’s box. Confronting a world of which he had no knowledge, he forced himself to seek both company and power—affection in those strange to him, and material gain in hidden artefacts.
Unfortunately, no gifts come without a catch, nor do people without faults. Nothing is ever as it seems, especially oneself.
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Beyond the walls of tangled grapevines, outside the canopy of expansive and sheltering tree leaves—flat plains grew into the highest peaks. Yet, behind those very boundaries—and many like it—lay societies sheltered and oblivious, bound to themselves by both circumstance and matters outside their control.
Hidden behind those very gates, Xevla lay ignorant and shielded. When blessed by what he could only call prophecy, he stepped beyond his life’s box. Confronting a world of which he had no knowledge, he forced himself to seek both company and power—affection in those strange to him, and material gain in hidden artefacts.
Unfortunately, no gifts come without a catch, nor do people without faults. Nothing is ever as it seems, especially oneself.
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