The bell rang, finally now the suffering is over! thought Katie as she packed her bag and prepared to leave school.
Today hadn’t really been a long day, but the lessons had been waaay too boring and they had only been reviewing the things they did yesterday and the day before that, if they could just learn something new, it would be way more interesting.
She was just done with saying goodbye to her friends and was now on the looooong walk home, well not that long, but it still took some time to get home.
“Hey Katie, can you clean the kitchen?” shouted her mother from the living room, Katie groaned og walked down the stairs, wishing that she could just curl up in her bed with a good book instead.
Katie lives in a two floor house and her room is on the second floor.
She was quick to clean the kitchen and fled to her room, before her mother got a new idea about what needs to be cleaned. It’s already dark outside, which surprised Katie, until she looked at the clock, she had on her desk.
…...Whoops…. she thought, probably should have gone to sleep some time ago. “Well that’s not so good” says Katie softly to herself.
Despite it being a bit late at night, she still finds her book and begin reading.
“Hummm, nothing better than reading a good book late at night” she hums.
She looked at the clock after something that felt like five minutes, but was more like an hour, at least that’s what the clock said. I should probably go to bed now, she looked out of her window and saw nothing but black fields.
It wasn’t just all black, there was something like a small light out there, but it was flickering and it was hard to say if it was real. Katie’s curiosity won and she decided to go out and see what it was, she wondered if it could be a flashlight she had forgotten, when she was feeding the cows. (yes they have cows and yes they live on a farm, in case you were wondering :))
It was late so Katie sneaked around in the house finding her jacket and her phone, so she could use it as a flashlight. She carefully opened the door and was also careful when she closed it again. There was a lot of mud outside and she slipped more than once and nearly fell over, but she managed to make it safely over to the cows feeding place.
Katie looked around but couldn’t find the light again, she was about to go back, when she spotted it inside of the forest, who would forget a flashlight in the forest?, Katie shrugged and started to head in the direction of the light.
As she got closer to the light, she got more and more confused.
It was like it was floating in the air, it also appeared color changing.
Katie brushed some branches aside and was now standing right in front of the “light”, now she was almost certain, that this “thing” was most definitely not a normal light, it didn't seem to light anything up and seemed to radiate coldness instead of warmth and it also howered in the air, which got Katie even more confused as it didn’t seem to stand on anything or had anything attached to it.
The hairs on her neck were rising as she shivered in her warm jacket.
Although her body told her that this was dangerous, she was completely mesmerized by this “thing” and couldn’t seem to keep her eyes away from it, it spiraled and sent sparks of colors all over the place, while there was a swirling blackness in the middle, that seemed to have black tentacle like arms, that was reaching out, as if it was trying to capture the colorful sparks and drag them into the darkness and drown them.
Without realising it, she had stepped closer to it and reached out to touch it, which probably wasn’t such a good idea. - no shit :< - author’s friend/the editor-
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