6 episodes
Episode 1
Part 1
Jun 07, 2021469 views
Episode 2
part 2
Jun 07, 2021150 views
Episode 3
Part 3
Jun 07, 2021130 views
Episode 4
Part 4
Jun 07, 2021146 views
Episode 5
part 5
Jun 20, 2021114 views
Episode 6
Part 6
Jun 20, 2021138 views
It is about the 13 yr old boy named Daniel Ong lye who meets the real 13 yr old Female Night Angel,Julia the Third. as she wants him to be her
permenant boyfriend. but then, the evil Mdm
Anarcharina attempts to take over the world by
beating the angels. but she and daniel will not allow
her(mdm anarcharina) to rule.
then it's about the boy who is awaken in the mysterious fantasy 1972 singapore. as he finds out he has changed, he is about to find the truth about daniel's ability and life. by dancing the 6 disco contests and fight crime.
while for daniel and julia, they'll dance at 6 contests on Malaysia,Sri Lanka,Australia,Hong Kong,India and Canada.
which are based on the british colonial history
they shall travel and dance to save the world.
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It is about the 13 yr old boy named Daniel Ong lye who meets the real 13 yr old Female Night Angel,Julia the Third. as she wants him to be her
permenant boyfriend. but then, the evil Mdm
Anarcharina attempts to take over the world by
beating the angels. but she and daniel will not allow
her(mdm anarcharina) to rule.
then it's about the boy who is awaken in the mysterious fantasy 1972 singapore. as he finds out he has changed, he is about to find the truth about daniel's ability and life. by dancing the 6 disco contests and fight crime.
while for daniel and julia, they'll dance at 6 contests on Malaysia,Sri Lanka,Australia,Hong Kong,India and Canada.
which are based on the british colonial history
they shall travel and dance to save the world.
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