Istanbul, one of the most popular city of Turkey and also one of
the most famous city for tourism in the world. A city rich of
amazing history and beautiful culture and kindhearted people.
This city has beautiful site every where, fast-growing economy,
modern civilization and most importantly this city has Mars. A
multinational company that creates every thing one needs in
modern days of technology, from mobile phones, computer and
automobiles, things that are for personal use, to any type of
machine for industrial use. Pretty much anything that is called a
machine, they make it. And that's why they are called the boss of
Mars has one of the industry's top concept artist Miraç Bolat. And
this is a story about Miraç Bolat. He is an orphan but he has a
great job and a great life, nice house and a cool car. After all he is
Mars top concept artist.
It was a regular day, just like any. Early morning, alarm clock
rang, Miraç waked up, took his time to get ready. Took the
breakfast, he looked at the clock and though “Oh! I am gonna be
late again.” he rushed towards his car “Dragon Mark-S800”
started it and drove towards the office.
While driving his way to the office he saw huge flame in the
cemetery, which drew all his attention, but soon he realized he is
gonna hit a car, and applied the brakes, stopping his car right
before it hit the car that is right in front of him, causing no
accident. When he looked again at the cemetery there was no
flame, it made him confused, thinking “ what he just saw”.
That same morning in the office, working on his computer, that
fire or that sight appeared right on his computer screen again,
distracting him from his work. It disturbed him, slow down his
work and time also started to pass really fast.
A colleague asked Miraç “Hey Miraç! Did you complete it.
Yesterday you said that you're gonna complete it today. So?”.
Miraç looked at the time realizing the office time just ended.
Miraç : What!!?? I don't know man, I don't feel fine today.
Colleague : It's okay buddy. Be easy on yourself. We already have
a lot of time to finish it, our project have just started. Go home
take rest, take a day off if you feel like.
Miraç : No need for a day off. I will just do it tomorrow.
Going back to home in his car, he stopped by the cemetery, to
visit his mother grave, which he does often. This is the very
cemetery where he saw the huge flame this morning. Curiously
entered the cemetery, went to see if his mother grave is in peace.
Everything seemed fine. When he reached to his mother grave
Miraç : Mother!
All of a sudden he sensed a light. He looked at it and there was a
flame in near distance but smaller this time. He kept looking at it
for a moment and then went closer to it. Lifted his foot and placed
it on the flame to quench it. Then he lifted his foot back but the
flame wasn't quenched. So he tried again, hit it a couple of times
and burst open the ground and fell inside, the hole was deep. He
was inside some sort of a cave that looked like a tomb of someone.
It was dark but things started to glow in red, soon it appeared that
glowing things were crystals all of red color. There was this
crystals on some sort of a column, it seemed special and shined a
bit differently. He went closer, slowly reached out and touched it.
It began to glow more intensely and he felt some sort of energy.
His hands got stuck to it like some energy grabbed his hands tight
and he felt some intense energy going through his body. He
screamed aloud and then fell on the ground, stayed unconscious
for a moment. And then he heard a voice.
Voice : Miraç.....! Finally you have arrived to the place where you
were destined to be.
Miraç : Who... who is that?
Voice : A Voice.....! A Voice to tell you...
Miraç : To tell me what?
Voice: Miraç Bolat! You are not an ordinary man. You were born
with special abilities. You are a born hero. A hope....
From here on you are heading towards a different destiny. A future
that you have never imagined of.
Miraç : What are you talking about? I don't have any special
abilities. What do you even mean? And who are you? And wait
Suddenly a white light appeared out of no where. And light
became so intense that everything became white and Miraç had to
close his eyes and wrapped his arm around his face. Everything
disappeared and Miraç was laying on the ground.
Cemetery watchman was passing and he saw Miraç on the ground.
Watchman tried to wake him up.
Watchman : Hey man! What are you doing on the ground?
Miraç : Huh? I don't know... I saw a fire here.....
Watchman : Fire? Are you drunk or something?
Miraç : Hmm, never mind. No! I am not drunk by the way.
Watchman : The cemetery was going to close. Luckily I saw you
Miraç : How long I have been here lying down?
Watchman : I don't know! The cemetery is about to close.
Miraç : By the way! thanks for waking me up.
Watchman : no problem sir.
Miraç reached home, through his keys and went to bed to sleep.
Next day the alarm rang again as usual, Miraç tried to shut it off
but accidentally, he smashed it along with the table. The loud
sound of smash waked him up in a sudden. Broken table and clock
shocked him and made him say “What the hell!!!”. He looked at it
for a while, totally confused, but without considering much “what
just happened?”, he thought to himself “ I should probably get
ready. Should not be late this time.”
While eating the breakfast he looked at the clock and noticed that
not much time has passed. Miraç said to himself “time has passed
really slow today.” It made him feel odd, that things were strange
today. He got up and started looking for his key. Couldn't find the
keys, so he tried to remember where did he put the keys last night.
He remembered that he threw them last night towards the couch.
After searching the couch he found that the keys were under the
couch. He tried to reach for the keys but keys were a bit far, his
hand couldn't touch it. He tried harder and all of a sudden, the key
all by itself, went flying towards him and hit his face. “God!!!” He
screamed. “What the hell???” whatever happened made him
extremely curious and left him shocked. He just rushed towards
the car and left the home for office.
In the office, he quickly ran towards his desk, grabbed his chair,
sat down and started doing his work. Within a few minutes he
Miraç : Yea! Done my work
Colleague : Done? You just have sat down like for 15 minutes.
Miraç : 15 minutes? Really! Well told you that I'm gonna do it
really fast. I am going for coffee, you want some?
Colleague : No thanks!
He went for coffee and though to himself “15 minutes?”. Made
the coffee, took a sip but the coffee didn't feel hot enough, even
though he could see the steam coming out of the cup. Thinking
about heat just lit a flame on his hand, that was holding the cup.
He freaked out, dropped the cup and began to shake his hand hard
to put out the fire. The fire was quenched and fortunately no one
was around to notice anything.
Miraç : I need to calm down or somebody's gonna notice that
something is really wrong with me.
After office to his way back home he stopped by the cemetery
again, but this time to know “what is going on with me?”. He
came to the exact same place and did the same thing, started
kicking the ground again. A strong light coming out of nowhere,
whitened everything, and when that light slowly faded away, that
place magically appeared around him.
Miraç : Hello there!? Whatever you're name is! What is happening
to me? And why all this is happening at all?
Voice : Miraç Bolat! Your powers are beyond your imagination. It
might take you sometime to fully understand your abilities, but it
will not be difficult for you to control them.
Miraç : That didn't answer my question. I am asking why? Why is
this happening to me?
Voice : you are a born superhero.
Miraç : how? This doesn't make any sense! What made me a born
superhero? I don't understand anything? And who are you?
Voice : Miraç Bolat grab a piece of cloth from the curtains you see
here. You see all these blood crystals, you will fine some needles
made of these crystals, grab them too. Take them with you and
create an identity for you. And take the blood crystal, you see in
the center, the one you toughed, with you, for it will guide you.
Always keep it close.
Miraç : And what about the question I asked? Are you going to
answer....? at least tell me who are you?
And everything disappeared, with the appearing of intense white
Miraç : Great!
He went back home and place things on the bed and took out his
mobile phone and called a friend.
Miraç : Hey Deena! Hello! How are you?
Deena : Oh Miraç! Hello! I am fine. How are you? How's your
Miraç : I'm fine too! It was great. I was thinking....
Deena : what were you thinking?
Miraç : about seeing each other, tomorrow, at your place.
Deena : Oh! That sounds really good. I'll be waiting for you. So,
what should I cook?
Miraç: Anything you like.
Deena : Really? Okay then, I will be waiting.
They continued to talk for some time. The next evening Miraç is
on Deena's door with flowers bouquet in his hands, he rang the
bell and she came out.
Deena : Miraç! How are you? Awe! They are sooo beautiful.
Come on in. I have a gift for you.
Miraç : Really! What is it?
Deena : After dinner!
There was some mannequins wearing different dresses, in her
house. He went closer to a mannequin wearing a beautiful dress
and she followed him.
Deena : some times, I don't understand some costumers. This lady
comes in my boutique, just to complain about the clothes, if she
has issues with our clothes then why she keeps on buying the
Miraç : I don't know but this dress is beautiful. I was wondering
that you made this dress?
Deena : yes I did!
Miraç : I have never seen you make clothes. Do you work at home
Deena : Yes I do. I have a separate room for it. You are interested
to know? You have just came lets talk about other things, have
dinner and then I have a gift for you remember. Don't worry! I will
show you the room too.
After dinner she took him to the room where she works at home.
And gave him the gift.
Miraç : It's got to be a dress
Deena : It's a jacket, I've made it for you!
Miraç : Thanks a lot! It's a really nice jacket.
Then he moved towards other things showing curiosity and
Miraç : I wonder how do you make these dresses. Would you like
to explain me a bit?
Deena : Why? Do you want to make one for me?
Miraç : Na! just curious.
Deena : Well I don't know if you will understand this, but I will
explain anyway, since you insist.
This is french curve, great for making armholes and neckline
well we all know... and it's self explanatory tape measure. No need
to explain that to you.
She explained things as much as she could. After that he came
back home brought some things to home. Took out the piece of
cloth and blood crystal needle. Put all those things in front of him.
Miraç : Now I have to do somethings I've never done before!!!
so this is french curve! Okay!
After trying fail attempts he became frustrated. But being
frustrated reminded him of the “keys under couch” incident. So he
thought to himself
Miraç : I think I should use my powers.
He could easily control his powers and made a dress easily. The
next day he went back to the cemetery and at that same place.
Miraç : Here's the costume as you said. And I've never done a
cosplay before, so don't expect it to be perfect. I couldn't think of a
name, so you should have some suggestions.
Voice : Have you brought the crystal with you?
Miraç : yes! I brought it with me. Here!
As he put forth the crystal in his hand, the crystal and the costume
started to glow. It magically transformed into a much better
costume and the crystal got attached to a belt formed onto this
Voice : You have great strength. You can control air, create high
volt electric current, produce flames in the air, create extreme cold
temperatures and endure extreme temperatures. You are the 3 rd
dragon among humans. You can call yourself the Dragonman.
Somewhere alone in the city. Miraç want to see and understand
his powers. So he brought a metallic needle with him. He carefully
tried to prick the needle on his hand, but the needle bend and
broke like it was a really soft object. He kept exploring his
powers. He tried to lift his car with air pressure because he can
control air, and he did it. Miraç “Can I fly? I should, cuz I can lift
things in air.” He flew really easily. Miraç “ Wow! It is
Came back to the ground and his cell phone rang. He checked and
it was Deena on the phone.
Deena : Hello Miraç! What's up? Are you busy?
Miraç : Not really! Just doing silly things.
Deena : Let's go out then!
Miraç: where?
Deena : I have two tickets for a movie?
Miraç : Great! I am coming.
There was a bank right opposite to the cinema and some robbers
were planing to rob it. Miraç and Deena were in the cinema and
waiting for movie to start, when all of the sudden some policemen
came in to clear the area. They inform people about the robbery in
progress in the near bank. Miraç thought it would be a great
chance to test the use of his ability in a practical situation. So he
sneaked quietly out of sight, in the direction of robbery. The police
started clearing the cinema.
Police : Everybody listen carefully, we have a robbery in progress
in the near bank. We need everybody to leave the cinema and clear
this area. Everybody exit from the back side of the cinema.
Deena : Oh no!
She looked around and said “Where did he go?”, then she started
looking for him
Police : Ma'am Please! You need to clear this area immediately.
Deena : But my friend? I cannot find him.
Police : He might have went outside, or otherwise we will make
sure this place is empty. You don't need to worry!
On the other hand, the police had surrounded the bank and the
robbers. Robbers weren't planning to surrender easily.
Robber 1 : We ain't gonna quit, we are gonna fight back.
So they began firing at the police and a war started between them.
Heavy firing went back and forth between policemen and robbers.
Policemen and robbers, both got injured. And then the Dragonman
came flying above the police. Everyone was shocked and the
firing got stopped.
Robber 1 : Hey look up there!
Robber 2 : What the heck is that?
Robber 3 : May be it's a new police unit.
Robber 4 : Shoot em!
Robber 3 : I don't know??? nothing is happening to him.
Robber 2 : Let me try
One of them had a minigun he started shooting at him, but the
bullets got reflected off of him. It shocked all the robbers and they
ran out of ideas. The Dragonman lifted the cars, robbers had as
their shield. All of the policemen had their aim set on the robbers.
Robbers tried to fight back, pick their guns up, tried to aim at the
police, but Dragonman with his super ability to control the air, he
took a hold of their guns, they were holding, lift them all up. They
were all hanging in the air to nothing but their guns and then he
dropped them all down. At this point they were all unable to attack
back again. Police arrested the robbers and the Dragonman flew
Police : What the hell was that?
Miraç sitting in front of television at his home, desperately
waiting for the news.
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