7 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: The Vision
Jun 22, 2019367 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2: Revelation
Jun 22, 2019115 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3: News Travels Fast (part 1)
Jun 22, 201987 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3: News Travels Fast (part 2)
Jun 22, 201981 views
Episode 5
Chapter 4: Boys and Girls
Jun 22, 2019106 views
Episode 6
Chapter 5: Red VS Blue (part 1)
Jun 22, 201993 views
Episode 7
Chapter 5: Red VS Blue (Part 2)
Jun 22, 201980 views
Kaitylyn, or Kai in short, lives her day as normal as it could get for a 14 year old highschooler. Days filled with being with her childhood friends and the friends she made, encounters with her high school bully...all in the process of figuring her life out.
It would be a lot easier if she didn't have amnesia. With memories missing here and there, Kai does her best. But when her memory is jogged when she is about to have a firey end, she slowly uncovers the missing memories, her powers, and secrets that are buried in herself.
What are her childhood friends hiding from her? Who are the mysterious people that have been after them all this time? What part does she have to play in here?
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Kaitylyn, or Kai in short, lives her day as normal as it could get for a 14 year old highschooler. Days filled with being with her childhood friends and the friends she made, encounters with her high school bully...all in the process of figuring her life out.
It would be a lot easier if she didn't have amnesia. With memories missing here and there, Kai does her best. But when her memory is jogged when she is about to have a firey end, she slowly uncovers the missing memories, her powers, and secrets that are buried in herself.
What are her childhood friends hiding from her? Who are the mysterious people that have been after them all this time? What part does she have to play in here?
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