One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory....
(Anti's Pov)
I woke up, looking over at the other side of the room to see his empty bed. It's already been a few weeks since the incident, the night we lost Gamer. Authorities have searched most of the ruins and still haven't found him, only the bodies of the killens. I stood up and got dressed into some clean clothes, then walked out of the room, down the hall into the living room seeing Alex, Chase and Wilford talking. "Hey" I greeted, walking over to the kitchen, getting myself some coffee as Dark walked into the living room, sitting down. I decided to make Dark some coffee too, walked back into the living room and handed him a mug of the warm black liquid "Thanks" he took it, I sat down next to him "Hows Death today?" I asked "Still sitting on his bed hugging that hoodie, he's not even sleeping now" Dark answered worryingly "He did lose his best friend" Alex said quietly. "I know" that was the only words that came out of Dark's mouth "It was nice of you to give Death Gamer's old hoodie" Chase smiled at me "I thought it would've helped him sleep if he had a piece of him, but..." "Its just reminding him that Gamer's gone" Wilford completed my sentence perfectly. "... can I join you guys?" we turned to see Leo who seemed as sad as we are "Sure" I answered, moving over a bit so Leo could sit down as Angel walked in "He's still in his room, its best not to try today" Angel walked out, certainly walking over to Death's door...
(Death's Pov)
I was just sitting there with his old hoodie. I had put it on after Dark walked out, I'm surprised the hoodie even fits. There was noticeable bags under my eyes due to no sleep, as if I could, dreams are always filled with him. Hunger had left me days ago. I can't eat or sleep or even exist properly without thinking about him. They're already half-way-through the ruins, still no sign of his body and every time I remind myself that... I picture what his dead body would look like, then that will keep me from eating and sleeping too. *KNOCK KNOCK* "Death, you need to come out now. I'm sick of talking to you through a door" its Angel, she's been trying everyday to convince me into coming out, talk or at least open the door... I haven't even talked for weeks. "Death... school is gonna start back soon, you can't skip class too" I stayed silent "That's it" Angel opened the door and looked over at me, I weakly looked back at her-... "What happened to you" I barely managed to talk... Angel's hair... half the purple in it had faded, you could see light brown tangled with purple "I... I could ask you the same. What happened to the Death I know-" "He's not worth seeing at this point". It would be hard for a normal person to think or believe the fact that I was one of the reasons Gamer survived so long in Hell... I helped him like he helped me before he fell. I've always felt responsible for it, a reason I made myself stick by his side for so long... now guilt had me in its chains. "...they caught Annadite, she's back in the Reaper Wing prison-" "She should've been killed" I spat, immediately seeing anger spread across Angel's face "What-" "Would have you said that about me while I was human before I had Annabelle?" why is she bringing Annabelle up? "No-" "Then don't say that crap about Annadite" of course it took me a couple of minutes to realize- "Annadite's pregnant?! How- who would even want to be with that carzy bi-" "Finish that sentence and I'll rip your tongue out" Anti and Dark rushed into the room and grabbed the radio, running out and turning it on outside the door. "About nineteen souls were expected to be left from the Rieannie port docks warehouse, only seven found on site, two men and five women. The seven have been examined and announced as killens" that would mean that he's probably alive- "The final part of the wreckage is to be searched tomorrow morning for the remaining twelve people, including eleven killens and one teenage boy" way to kill hope, fucking stupid radio....
(No One's Pov)
"My queen, sightings of killens in south of Isledale city-" "Leave me be Tariel, its Euanthe's nation, let her deal with it" Aristomache continued to walk down the Eclipse hall of murals, each mural was of a different generation of black councilors from the Eclipse Wing, the roses underneath each mural represented the life of that councilor. All the previous councilors who've died centuries ago had black roses, if a councilor lives their roses are blood red. Aristomache stopped at a mural of the current councilor of the Eclipse wing, their roses had been slowly turning black since 1986, ever since then the roses for the new councilor have grown a bright red and the mural of them had appeared. "The shadow walker we've lost, this is a sign he still walks the land" Tariel said, admiring the roses of the new councilor "Just because the roses glow for us, doesn't always tell us the news" "...the fallen... you care for him like a mother does for a son, so you morn for him like he were your son" Aristomache avoided eye contact with the man "He was the first fallen of the Eclipse Wing, can't blame me for feeling responsible for his disappearance". Tariel remained silent for a bit until "Remember an ancient rule, if one councilor dies, the others die too-" "We're not killing anyone" Aristomache hissed "I'm not saying there should be death... but if its learned what Satan had planned for the fallen, they'll be asking for heads" Aristomache finally looked at Tariel in the eyes "What are you saying" "I'm saying that we need to find the boy now... and the only way to do that is let a certain demon off their leash".....
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