1 episode
When Kristen woke up that morning, she felt a surge of energy flowing in her bloodstream. It was a feeling she had never known before. Hwan didn't know what happened, but one moment everything was relatively normal, and the next, completely insane.
There's a threat lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right chance to kill, and it's up to them to stop whoever, or whatever it may be.
Comedy and fun for everyone, but after the start not for such faint of heart.
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When Kristen woke up that morning, she felt a surge of energy flowing in her bloodstream. It was a feeling she had never known before. Hwan didn't know what happened, but one moment everything was relatively normal, and the next, completely insane.
There's a threat lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right chance to kill, and it's up to them to stop whoever, or whatever it may be.
Comedy and fun for everyone, but after the start not for such faint of heart.
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