“Wake up! Wake up!”
These words rang in my head.
“Please Kristen, wake up.”
I realize, this is my mother's voice. It has been a while since I have heard it. Ever since the accident.
“Kristen you need to wake up, now!”
“I will reluctantly obey”, I said. I opened my eyes and looked around.
“Come on Kristen, what did you expect. It’s just an empty room still-”
I paused.
Nothing in the world could prepare me for what I have just seen. It was a meteorite, in the sky, about 20 yards up. Frozen.
“What in the-” I was interrupted from knocking on my front door, so I rushed down the stairs and to the door, Immediately I peek through the peephole. It was my friend, Emma. She seemed off, so I opened the door and asked.
“Emma, are you ok?”
Emma immediately hugged me, I could tell she thought this was a schizophrenia attack. I hugged her back. When she realized I’m real she calmed for a second, and then back into panic.
“Kristen do you see that meteorite too?!” she yelled immediately.
“Yes, that is also real.” I responded, I waited. “How is your family?” I asked from impulse.
“My parents are still asleep and my brother is panicking.” She responds as I’m still hugging her to calm her down.
“What about you?”
What about you? These words hit me like a freight train. I did not think of my family, I did not know of their safety.
“I- I don't know” I responded, realizing I really have no idea.
I ran from Emma, into my house and up the stairs. I stood there staring at the door, behind this door lay my 2 year old brother and my dad bet ridden from lung cancer. My mother died in an accident years ago, I myself suffer from Guillain Syndrome. My time was limited from my family. I haven't even told them, only Emma knows. I had to at least do this before the meteorite stops freezing, if it does.
“Are you gonna open it?” Emma said behind me. “Your father is in there isn't he?”
With a simple nod Emma walked ahead of me.
“I'll do what you cannot then” She says and proceeds to open the door. What I saw that day has never left my mind.
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