12 episodes
Episode 1
Letter to the Readers
Feb 22, 2019334 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1
Feb 22, 2019142 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2
Feb 22, 2019129 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3
Feb 22, 201930 views
Episode 5
Chapter 4 Part 1
Feb 22, 2019111 views
Episode 6
Chapter 4 Part 2
Feb 22, 2019124 views
Episode 7
Chapter 5
Feb 22, 2019165 views
Episode 8
Chapter 6
Mar 01, 2019129 views
Episode 9
Chapter 7
Mar 08, 2019111 views
Episode 10
Chapter 8
Mar 15, 201999 views
Episode 11
Chapter 9
Mar 22, 2019110 views
Episode 12
Chapter 10
Mar 29, 2019109 views
The way they looked at me. I couldn't look away and neither could they. Both of us caught, both mesmerized, both horrified by what we saw.
Aster has just moved back to Cincinnati after years of avoiding the city of his youth, the city that killed his best friend.
Years he has spent suppressing the memory before it has all come rushing back to the surface as he is approached by USHUA, the Universal Society of Hunting Undead and Associates.
They want him to be one of them, they want him to be a hunter, to give him the option of tracking down and killing the vampire that killed his best friend.
The yes that Aster responds with is shaky, but certain.
He starts to train, get the feel of the city, he meets someone. The owner of a small bookstore, Edeline is all he has ever wanted in a partner; smart, witty, compassionate, unique. He starts to get everything he wants fulfilled.
But as a vampire coven starts running rampant in this pivotal city, raising the stakes higher then they have ever been before, Aster finds himself getting closer to finding out what exactly happened on that fateful night his friend died and it's time for him to learn. . .
Some things are better left buried, and not just the undead.
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The way they looked at me. I couldn't look away and neither could they. Both of us caught, both mesmerized, both horrified by what we saw.
Aster has just moved back to Cincinnati after years of avoiding the city of his youth, the city that killed his best friend.
Years he has spent suppressing the memory before it has all come rushing back to the surface as he is approached by USHUA, the Universal Society of Hunting Undead and Associates.
They want him to be one of them, they want him to be a hunter, to give him the option of tracking down and killing the vampire that killed his best friend.
The yes that Aster responds with is shaky, but certain.
He starts to train, get the feel of the city, he meets someone. The owner of a small bookstore, Edeline is all he has ever wanted in a partner; smart, witty, compassionate, unique. He starts to get everything he wants fulfilled.
But as a vampire coven starts running rampant in this pivotal city, raising the stakes higher then they have ever been before, Aster finds himself getting closer to finding out what exactly happened on that fateful night his friend died and it's time for him to learn. . .
Some things are better left buried, and not just the undead.
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