Hello, my "FATED" chosen one I am sorry that I will not be able to meet you and your friends face to face for the moment but rest assured we shall soon I promise. First of all, I would like to explain a few things to you all...
This is not your world you are familiar with
This is the world of a deep fantasy in the shell of your mortal world.
You've been chosen, in doing so you must learn the ways of becoming a master of the pages to save us all including your very own world.
- Justice
Brown-Haired, Male
Age: 14
Your future Is blinded, but I can feel within your heart... Bravery, power, and the strength of a true potential for a leader.
- Hope
Blond-Haired, Male
Age: 11
Your future shines through the darkness, You are young but faith shines upon you as your heart is full of Kindness willing to do what is right.
- Khloe
Black-haired, Female
Age: 12
As Blackest night your as bright as day, a young wander who seeks the thrill of adventure and meeting new friends. Always trying your best to make the best of any situation for the ones around you.
- Verra
Bright Green-haired, Female
Confused with deep anger, your strong and brave trying to protect the ones close to you as you seek answers for your past.
As lovely as you all are I'm afraid I can only tell one story at a time, please try to understand now...
who's story shall I tell...
Very well... Hope
Here is where our tale begins,...
The year is now unknown to many as the times changed, so many people were unable to keep up with the times as a global war would hit without warning calling forth the world's best and strongest heroes. Around the universe, many heroes and villains would have to create the ultimate alliance against this new threat as our very existence and the survival of our worlds were now on the line.
"My name is Elyse, I'm what you would call a "KEEPER" but most call me Mother"
Not so long ago a group of mysterious creatures started appearing around the world attacking any and every living thing, but it's not just on this planet but many others as well. I was once just like you, as you are now arriving upon this new world until I realized that was also chosen for a special task.
A task to guide you along this very path, but before that, I must know what are your strengths.
Awakening in a heavenly area full of white clouds as the sun would shine down upon you, Hope begins to look around as a swift breeze flows around you. Hope begins to sit up from the ground and begins to rub his eyes slowly revealing his bright blue eyes reflecting pureness. Hope would come to find himself only dressed in leather boxers. Looking around the massive space Hope would begin to try and stand up, however, it would prove pointless as he was unable to move his body at all as he felt like a rock in an ocean constantly sinking.
"I...I can't, I can't move" Hope says softly as your body begins to fall back to the ground. Laying back on the ground Hope dozes back off into a brief sleep just awaken once again within the same room. As he lays upon the ground Hope begins to open his eyes once again looking up into the blank skies of white as white clouds would flow around the area.
"Hope, can you sit up for me," asked a soft and gentle female voice...
Once again Hope would try to sit up as the voice asked of him, but no matter how he tried he was just unable to do it. The air density was so heavy he would try to push against it, but it forced him to lay back down once as the force was too intense. Laying back once again Hope would begin to look up towards the sunlight shining down upon him. As he laid there he noticed something odd, four large mirrors showing three others laying in a very similar area just as he was struggling to move from as well. Gazing upon the three others through their separate mirrors he notices the males would find themselves wearing leather underwear the females would find themselves with a leather tank top and similar underwear just meant for females. Moments later out of the four them Justice would continue to struggle until he manages to sit up from the ground. Justice would gaze up upon the sky mirrors revealing his short brown hair and hazel eyes. Shortly after Verra would in Justice's footsteps as she began to manage to sit up in her area before leaving only the other female and Hope to sit up...
Hope will begin to clench his hands upon the ground and push as hard as he could off of the ground. Just as he is almost up he is greeted with a strong breeze from behind helping him sit up completely. Shortly Hope would come to learn he is only one still in the area as all the others had gotten up and left already.
Given a moment to rest, Hope will begin to look around the room once more and began to wonder where could the others went, as he saw no exit anywhere.
"Well done child, now rise for me," asked the female voice...
Hope would begin to try and stand to his feet as the breeze would assist him once more in trying to keep his balance so he wouldn't fall back down.
"Where am I?" asked Hope
The female voice would not reply upon his question as it was complete silence until suddenly Hope begins to take notice of a door appearing slowly before him. One could only think that the door would lead to the way out, slowly step by step Hope begins to try and make his way to the door, wobbling every step of the way.
The door was metal covered with golden trim and designs upon it. Quickly reaching towards the doors Hope immediately knows the door would not be easy to open, however to a surprise it was as light as a feather quickly blinding him with white light as they opened.
"Now there's my hero," says the female voice...
"Am I dead?" asked Hope
The female begins to laugh innocently at Hope's question before she would reply "Of Course not my silly child".
As the bright light begins to fade Hope finds himself in a room full of white walls and mirrors.
Hope looks to the ground and takes notice of a pair of heels walking towards him shortly revealing a girl before him dressed in a white glittery dress and white heels, and a face to make you instantly fall in love...
As her Grey eyes stare you down with joy, she shows a smile upon her face and would begin to walk towards you carrying something within her hands.
"You kept me waiting long enough didn't you silly boy," she says as she reaches out and gently touches you on the nose.
Greatly confused with what's going on, wondering who could this girl be before you and why was she being so nice to you. Hope would begin to try and walk towards the girl but his legs still feel weak as he is now falling to the ground face-first.
Opening your eyes you find yourself greeted with soft arms wrapped you as the girl catches you in her arms helping you to regain your balance.
"It's alright I'll always be here for you when you need me, all you have to do is ask," says the girl as she releases Hope... Shortly after she Places a hooded cloak over you with long sleeves. Hope carefully looks at the cloak, however, it was way bigger than his size but it did fit comfortably.
"What's your Name may I ask" asked the female
"Hope, my name is Hope," he says as he sees the female walking to his left side and begins to hold you by your arm as if you were her knight taking her to a ball. A few seconds later the area would begin to change filling the area in complete darkness until its not even capable of seeing anything.
Hope quickly begins to close his eyes into the darkness,
"There's no need to be afraid Hope," she says asking Hope to open his eyes once more. Hope would begin to slowly open his eyes taking notice of the cloak he wore and the clothing the female wore shined a bright white light within the darkness. The sight was truly a sight to behold but it wouldn't be long as four items would appear before them in the center of this new room location. The girl would help hope walk over to the items as she held him by his arm.
"The Sword - a weapon fit for a brave warrior/ Fast and quick, Great at fighting foes"
"The Lance - Powerful and very good with range/ Great at Attacking foes with only a slight defensive loss"
"The Firearm Blasters - Often referred to as a cowards weapon but in the right hands, it may prove useful/ Great defensive tool keeping your foes at bay while you dish out damage.
"The Staff - A magical weapon which can help any dish out attacks among the elements/ overall a decent weapon both good and defensive depending on your attribute of elements.
The girl would release Hope's arm and gently push him on his back asking him to pick one which his heart would so desire. Hope wasn't really sure why exactly he needed to choose a weapon, however, this was not a test to see what he desired but a test of his heart. Walking slowly to the weapons, Hope would carefully look at each one but he was still unsure of which one he actually wanted as they all seemed like good choices. He would begin to look back towards the girl once again however she wouldn't say which one he needed to get, she would just stand there awaiting his decision with the brightest smile on her face.
Hope would turn and continue to look again more carefully but for some reason, the sword just kept getting his attention, he wasn't quite sure what it was but it was like a feeling deep within him telling him that that was the answer he's searching for. But why the sword, why not any of the other weapons, because Hope is the chosen of pure heart.
Walking towards the sword brought a smile upon the girl's face as she held her hands together waiting on Hope to choose his destiny. Picking the sword up within his hands looking at it from every angle as the light bounced off of its steel blade, the sword would begin to vanish into the air.
"What's happening?" asked Hope as he wasn't sure what he did wrong, the girl would walk over to an area revealing yet another door to another location.
"Come to Hope it's time to meet the others, they have been waiting for you" Says the girl as she holds the door open for Hope to walk in. Hope would begin to make his way over to the doorway as she girl pats him on the back as they walk into the room together.
After making it this far I was glad to see the prophecy I had read was indeed becoming a reality, for so long I've waited for this day. The day I could meet the new heroes among the pages, upon meeting them I know that one day they can bring back the peace... Better yet I believe just as they believed in me. Many would me call an angel or goddess but that's a title I could only dream of having, I can only hope that I wasn't too late. Upon Hope decided his path I wanted to introduce him to the others, as they may have all been gathered here, unique in their own way but now guided on their own separate paths for a very similar goal.
Entering the room Hope quickly takes notice of the others as they are sitting at a long white table sharing laughs awaiting his arrival. Justice with his over cool personality leans back in his chair propping his feet up among the table and smiles towards both Hope and Elyse.
"It's about time I began to think you just abandon us here" replies Justice as he looks very cool in his cloak.
"Of course not, I wouldn't dare do such a thing," says Elyse as she smiles towards Justice before demanding her take his feet off the table. Very gently Hope begins to feel Elyse's arms upon his shoulders as he looked around.
"This young man is Hope, he will be also assisting you all on your journey" explains Elyse as she politely introduces Hope to the rest.
Justice would nod his head towards hope,
"My name is Justice whenever your down or in need of answers, I'm the one to come to I promise I'll lead us to a better tomorrow," says Justice before introducing the two females. Hope seemed happy to meet the others as they were all decent youngsters as they all began to know each other before sitting down for a nice warm meal.
As much as I wanted to enjoy this time together with them I knew it would not last forever as their long journey awaits around the corner. I would sit for the moment and enjoy the time with them I had, making sure they enjoyed the moment just as much as I did...
but eventually, we all have to wake up.
Hope... you are my saving light, our shining warrior painting the pages back of life..
Let us begin shall we
The Tale Of My little Advent Children...
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