3 episodes
Episode 1
Father James
Mar 17, 2018352 views
Episode 2
Apr 18, 2018144 views
Episode 3
Juvenile Humor
Jun 19, 2018136 views
*updates whenever*
[The image is entitled 'Beautiful Golden Wheat Field', provided by pngtree.com! Check it out!]
A story about a 43-year-old man hanging out with his crazy old father. His father drags him around to locate a hidden, ancient city. But apparently, his father isn't actually that crazy.
(No queer stuff here! That's not an insult, by the way. I love queerness :3)
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[The image is entitled 'Beautiful Golden Wheat Field', provided by pngtree.com! Check it out!]
A story about a 43-year-old man hanging out with his crazy old father. His father drags him around to locate a hidden, ancient city. But apparently, his father isn't actually that crazy.
(No queer stuff here! That's not an insult, by the way. I love queerness :3)
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