The Party
Leon, Big Brother
Hot headed yet caring. He’s African American and 24 years old. He’s the caretaker of his little sister Renee. He’s determined to find Star Falls, where their grandparents lived. Along the way, he runs into some strange characters and is a master swordsman. Starts at level 24. He’s an avid cook and that’s a valuable skill for his team. At first, He doesn’t like Sam getting so close to his sister . Leon hasn’t told Renee what happened to their parents.
Renee, Little Sister
She’s 14 years old and is also African American. She’s completely devoted to helping her older brother, Leon. She’s the youngest in the group. She is the archer in the group. She knows nothing of the death of her parents. Starts at level 18. She has a low health but a high attack, which is why she’s always in the background fighting.
Jada, Leon’s Wife
She is meek but has a dangerous streak when anyone insults her husband’s cooking. Because she is a Light Elf , she’ll outlive her human husband by ten years. She’s the healer and mage of the group. Starts at level 24.
Sam, Renee’s Love Interest
He is 15 years old. He’s the strong silent type. Even though, he is devoted to protecting Renee. He and Leon have a silent agreement of protecting Renee. He only smiles for her. He lost his little sister and parents to the mysterious virus which led him to kill them. After killing them, the shock of it caused him to become mute . He wants to also find Star Falls so that maybe, he could find peace in a world of such chaos. He is the Tank of the group. Starts at Level 18.
Additional Party Members
She is 15 years old. She’s hyperactive on eliminating the virus that caused the destruction of her town. She is a lancer. She has a great friendship with Renee. She believes that Star Falls is destined to be destroyed like her town, Nightingale Springs. She decides to join the party after the third quest. She starts at level 18. She reminds Sam of his little sister, Juniper. Sam was adamant that she joined. She’s afraid to admit that she likes Cody.
He’s deeply in love with Sarah, but won’t admit it, until he’s forced to. He’s 16 years old. He talks a lot and has a fondness for any kind of food, good or bad. He’s a master of knives. He’s known as a Rouge. He joins the party after quest three. He starts at level 20.
Recurring Characters or NPCs
He’s often seen in various towns on the heroes’ adventures. He’s the weapons merchant. He’s a delightful NPC.
She’s the armor merchant and is often seen in various towns on the heroes’ adventures. She’s seen across from Kev. She’s an NPC, going through an emo phase.
She’s the twin sister of Lis. She runs the Inn in various towns on the heroes’ adventures. Her building is right next the armory & weapons. She’s an NPC who can tell people have talked to her twin.
He runs the bank. The currency is coins. Gil is often seen in various towns on the heroes’ adventures. His bank is always located next to the town entrance way. When Gil is sick , the bank is closed. He’s an NPC, annoyed that people want to use his bank on Fridays.
Minor Characters
King Francis O’Donovan the Second
He is on the chubby side. He is a kind hearted king who doesn’t really care for formalities. He’s in love with his personal assistant, Katie.
The loyal royal assistant. She has telepathic powers and only uses them for the King. This strikes fear in the hearts of the people.
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