Alpha... they're the ones with the power to control Omegas with their pheromones. They're the highest rank in the three which is the Alpha, the Beta, and the Omega. Alpha has the 13% of the population, Beta has the 69%, and the Omega has the 18%. Betas are either weak and strong, and Omegas are the weakest.
Pheromones. Alphas pheromones can affect either Alphas and Omega. Alphas pheromones can make an Omega weak, scared, or turn on depending on how Alphas releases them while Alphas pheromones can only affect other Alphas if they're the dominant one and the other is the recessive. The effect? It depends on how Dominant Alphas releases pheromones just like on the Omegas but I'm it's not sure if like Omegas, dominant Alphas pheromone can turn recessive Alphas on. The Betas can't smell pheromones but they can feel it, especially strong pheromones. Omega's pheromones can attract Alphas.
"Alphas are scary..." I whispered, thinking about what mom said. "And Omegas... isn't it unfair?"
"Silly," mom laughed and pinched my cheeks. "That's how it is. Do you understand now?"
"I still don't understand many things, Mom." I confessed with sad eyes. "Why is it that only Omegas can attract Alphas with their pheromones? Why is it that Omegas can turn weak just by the pheromones of an Alpha? I think that's too dangerous for Omegas..."
"Oh, I forgot to tell you about the marking and bonding... though I think you're too young to know about that stuffs," mom laughed awkwardly.
"Oh... alright, then." I said and looked outside the window.
"Is your son an Omega, Madame?" The taxi driver asked, making me looked at him in the rear mirror and then at mom.
"Mom... am I?" I felt a sudden nervous creeping through me. "Mom? I don't want to... I'm scared..."
"We still don't know, Daphton," mom said honestly. You haven't been tested yet, you're too young."
"But Madame, I suggest you tell him about the marking and bonding. When he turns 16, he might experience heat if he's an Omega. My wife already informed our Omega daughter."
"Alright then," mom sighed and smiled gently. "Daphton, marking is when an Alpha owns an Omega. Claiming the Omega as his property and it will make the Omega not to react to other pheromones but him. It has advantages and disadvantages, okay? Advantage like the marked Omega can be safe from other Alphas and disadvantage like the Alpha owns the Omega but the Omega don't own the Alpha. Alphas can mark one or two Omegas."
"But... isn't that bad? Marking two people and claiming them both?"
"Ahuh. And there's this bonding. It's when two people have a strong connection with each other and it rarely happens. That's when an Omega owns an Alpha. They can't be seperated from each other or else, Alpha will suffer heartbreak or dies. The Omega can release Pheromones to calm the Alpha. But of course, there's an disadvantage, too. Something like they've bonded accidentally and they'll be with each other forever even if they dislike it. Some calls it fate and some calls it curse, depending how on the cause of it to people."
"Okay, Mom. I'll remember it always!" I smiled and hugged her arms. "But you'll protect me, right? You'll always be by my side so you can watch me?"
"Of course..."
I smiled bitterly and looked down, gripping my bag. I should've known then that she'll leave me, too, like what dad did to us. I knew from the start that they accidentally bonded and dad already has a partner. A partner he treasures so he made sure to hide me and mom. He hated mom. He hated me. I don't know if I hate mom or not but I feel bitter when I think of her leaving me alone. I was only 13 when she left me, leaving me with nothing but my bag with three pairs of clothes and my toiletries.
"Opps, sorry!" A girl said and laughed animatedly.
"It's alright," I smiled at her.
"Eh? You're an Omega?" She squinted her eyes and tried to sniff me which made me stepped back for a bit. "Oops, did I made you uncomfy?"
"N-Not at all. It's just that I think it's not normal to sniff other person like that..."
"Don'cha worry because I, Seraphine," she said and proudly point at herself with her thumb. I waited for her next words. "is a Beta which can't smell pheromones!"
"Then why- "
"Oh, nothing. It's my hobby to sniff people, thinking I could could smell pheromones. Hehe. But... are you a Beta, too? I don't feel pheromones coming out from you,"
"Yeah..." Then I murmured, "I guess?"
I never had any test so I don't know if I'm an Omega or a Beta. I don't want to use my money for that. Besides, I'm already 17 and I experience no heat so I think, I'm a Beta. It's good than being an Alpha.
"Hhm?" She hummed and look at me like she's asking what I just murmured so I shook my head and smiled. "Okay, then. Where's your class?"
"Phoenix-A." I replied and glanced at her. "You?"
"Curious, ah? Sorry but I'm not interested in Betas. I like Omegas," she chuckled.
"I'm not interested in you either," I gave her a friendly smile. "Here's my classroom. Bye,"
"I'm kidding! Wait! You... name..." I heard her but I chose to ignore it and close the door after going inside.
I looked around to find a seat and I found one at the back, right side near the window. I didn't feel any awkwardness even if my new classmates glances at me from time to time and then whispering at each other. I bit my lips and went to the back. I was about to put my bag on the seat I found but a loud thud echoed in the room when an expensive-looking bag was put to the chair, and a person who looked bored seated on my supposed chair.
"Uhh..." It would be awkward to if I force myself to that seat so I just put my bag on the chair next to his and seated there.
"Trious is really handsome,"
"Dream on, girl. He already have a fienacee,"
"Ahuh. A beautiful Omega. What's her name again? Yuri Tan?"
"T-The famous model? Isn't she the only Omega daughter of one of the most powerful families here?"
"Yup. So spare Trious. Deltrans and Tans are the business partners."
"Really? That's why I saw them on a mall yesterday! Woah!"
I ignored the gossips and got a candy from my pocket. I was about to unwrap the candy when I felt a sudden chill on my nape. My eyes widened when I saw my hands trembled a bit, sweating. It's so strong. The atmosphere. It's like its keeping me, locking me up. I looked around and saw that everyone is acting normal. It seems that it's only me who felt the sudden chill until now. I gulped and looked at my seatmate to see if he's also feeling it but when I saw his expression, I stiffened.
He looks so dangerous. I can feel it. He's mad. Is it because of the gossips of him with his fiancee? Is he... an Alpha? This is the first time I met an intimidating Alpha. Usually, Alphas in my schools are somehow calm, some are friendly but him, he's giving superiority vibes. I hate it.
"Here..." I slide the candy from my table to his which made him stare at it. "It's ahm, it's a mint."
"I know." He looked at me coldly. "Why are you giving it to me? What do you want?"
"Ahh, no. You look mad. Mints usually calms me. Try it," I smiled.
"No." He said bitterly and slide the candy back.
"Oh, okay then." I took the candy and unwrapped it before eating.
I'm currently eating my second candy when I felt my seatmate's stare. I glanced at him and saw him staring at me, still indifferent. I sighed and took a candy out before giving him one but he just stared at it like it's some kind of mystery. He still look cold, though.
"It's the last one." I said and it surprised me when he really took it.
I waited for him to unwrap it but until the professor arrived, he's still staring at the candy.
"Good morning, class. There are tons of transferries from other school and right now, there are 28 students in his class. There are 13 transferries so we all need to introduce ourselves. Let's start from the front, right to the left until we finished. And I'll introduce myself first. I'm Krenz Atienza, Beta, you can call me Sir Renz."
And so on until there's only me and Trious left. I stood and smiled a bit.
"Daphton, Beta, You can call me Daphton." I said and sat on my chair. I heard whispers to why I didn't tell my surname but it ended when Trious stood loudly.
"Trious. Alpha. Trious." He said and left the room dumbfounded. He sat and stared at the candy again.
"Okay. So, moving on..." And the Sir Renz discussed about us as an introduction. Heats cycles, pheromones, and other things that made the whole class listen to him.
There are tons of Betas. There are few Alphas and Omegas. Omegas are approximately 8 and Sir Renz reminded the both of Alphas and Omegas to control their Pheromones and that we should call any of the school's staffs if ever something happened like heats or fights.
I flinched when Trious suddenly moved only to hand the mint back. He stared at me indifferently.
"You really don't want it?" I whispered for me not to disturb the class.
"Can't.... me..." he whispered back but I can't seem to understand.
"What?" I moved my head closer to him a bit. "Can't hear you properly,"
"I said... I can't unwrap it." He whispered back. "I don't know how."
"E-Ehh?" I asked in surprise and suppress my laugh when I saw him glaring at me, face starting to reddened.
I shook my head and unwrapped the candy before giving it back to him again. That's why he kept staring. He doesn't know how to unwrap the candy and he wants one. I flinched again when he held my pulse lightly and pull it towards his face, then he ate the candy on my fingers before letting go of my hands, leaving me dumbfounded.
I just... felt his lips on my fingers.
"You're said you're a Beta," he said after a minute but he's not looking at me.
"Ahuh. Why?" My brows furrowed in confusion.
"You're an Omega." He stated lowly and carefully.
"I am not. I'm a Beta." I looked at him and smiled.
"No, you're not. You're an Omega." He replied when he looked back at me. "You trembled when I release some of my pheromones earlier. Betas don't tremble when feeling the Alpha's pheromones."
"W-What are you..." My eyes widened and I stared at him ridiculously. "You... i-it's your pheromones? Earlier..."
I can't believe it. It's a pheromones! I never feel any pheromones before even when my Alpha classmates releases them in my old schools for fun. I can't smell it either.
"I'm a Beta." I wshipered again. "I don't smell nor feel pheromones."
"But you did. Earlier. You even trembled." He said boredly. "Stop lying and pretending to be a Beta."
"No." I glared at him. "I really am not."
"Let's see." He said and smirked.
"Tsh. Try." I said dismissively and looked away.
There's no way I'm an Omega. I never feel nor smell a pheromones before, just earlier, if it's true that It's Trious' pheromones that I felt earlier. I don't experience being on heat either. I'll turn 18 next month. It is said that when we turn 16, we'll experience heat for the first time if we're an Alpha and an Omega. It's been two years, turning three so I'm pretty sure I'm a Beta.
"Trious, I'm really a Beta. You don't need to- huh?"
I blinked and looked around. W-What's this smell? It smelled so familiar yet I can't think of anything that can smell like this. Is this a scent of flower? No. Then, foods? What foods? And why am I getting dizzy? I breathed heavily when I felt my heart skipping a bit, throbbing. I gulped and clenched my hands, resting my forehead on the table. I feel so different. I feel so hot, burning. I want to do something. Something I can't think of.
"N-Ngh..." I gritted my teeth and stopped myself from trembling but I can't.
Why am I suddenly like this- oh, I can feel something from my surrounding. It feels like... I gasped and turn my head to Trious who is watching me carefully.
"Huh? Who is that? It smell so sweet," I heard one of my classmates said.
I bit my lips and looked at Trious helplessly. It's a pheromones. His pheromones and I can feel it, smell it! "S-Stop... please..."
"See? I told you you're an- "
"A-Alright, alright. Please, s-stop... I'm feeling weird... H-Hot. It's h-hot. I feel like I-I'm burning..." I stuttered.
"You really don't know you're an Omega?" He asked in whisper, surprised. "H-Hey, you're releasing pheromones,"
"W-What do I-I do?" I breathed heavily and gulped. "W-What did you d-do?"
"Y-You're reacting to my pheromones. Shit!" He cursed. "I didn't know you'll react this way. Fuck."
"H-Help me..." A tear fell from my eyes to my cheeks. "I-It's weird. It h-hurts..."
"Let's go. I'll cover you pheromones with mine." He stood and grabbed my pulse.
"Trious? Daphton?" I heard sir Renz called when Trious started to pull me. "Trious. Your pheromones- "
"Daphton's not feeling well. I'll take him to the infirmary." I heard Trious said dismissively.
"Okay, then. Please, stop releasing pheromones. Betas may not smell it but they can still feel it."
"I will. Excuse us."
I didn't know what to do. I must let him pull me to nowhere why I kept on stopping myself from trembling. I don't know what happened but I woke up in a huge comfortable bed, still feeling dizzy but I'm more fine than before. I sat on the bed and looked around. This room is so huge, there's even a mini-kitchen mini-living room. I caressed my temples as I try to remember what happened but I can't remember no matter I tried.
"Hell." I murmured.
Am I kidnapped? But I'm at my school. That's the last thing I remembered. But now, why am I here? Where is this place? Forget it. I'll just escape from this room. The expensive things are starting to blink me. I sighed and left the bed. I opened the door and was about to run for my life when I bumped into a wall.
"Where am I?"
SlatteXXX: I apologize for the misspelled words, typo-errors, and wrong grammars. This is still under revision. :)))))/<3
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