10 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue 1
May 14, 2017501 views
Episode 2
Prologue 2
May 14, 2017177 views
Episode 3
Prologue 3
May 21, 2017163 views
Episode 4
Prologue 4
May 21, 2017148 views
Episode 5
Prologue 5
May 21, 2017140 views
Episode 6
Prologue 6
May 28, 2017137 views
Episode 7
Prologue 7
May 28, 2017155 views
Episode 8
Prologue 8
May 31, 2017121 views
Episode 9
Prologue 9
May 31, 2017155 views
Episode 10
Prologue 10
Jun 06, 2017447 views
Follow along the story of four kings who once used to be friends, but were forced apart because they became a danger to each other.
Over the years, they all lost their connection to each other and stopped trying to find a way to be together again.
After one meeting of fate in no-man's land, Winter and Summer remember their friendship and start to try to find away to unify everyone again. Trouble is always lurking around the corner though, and especially for these two powerful kings with a plan to unite again.
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Follow along the story of four kings who once used to be friends, but were forced apart because they became a danger to each other.
Over the years, they all lost their connection to each other and stopped trying to find a way to be together again.
After one meeting of fate in no-man's land, Winter and Summer remember their friendship and start to try to find away to unify everyone again. Trouble is always lurking around the corner though, and especially for these two powerful kings with a plan to unite again.
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