5 episodes
Episode 1
Ch 1. 1-6
Jan 12, 2014916 views
Episode 2
Ch 1. 7-11
Jan 17, 2014665 views
Episode 3
Ch 1. 12-16
Aug 23, 2014376 views
Episode 4
Ch 1. 17-21
Oct 26, 2014385 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2
Nov 03, 2014812 views
It soared, it flew, it raced, and it zoomed! Zoomed where? Hit Whom? Did what now? Heather Hoodens has the answer after a particular mystery object finds her. But can Heather let this object go? Join Heather, Kat, and the shadow shrouded figure navigate the twisted adventure ahead.
Updates: When ever I can.
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It soared, it flew, it raced, and it zoomed! Zoomed where? Hit Whom? Did what now? Heather Hoodens has the answer after a particular mystery object finds her. But can Heather let this object go? Join Heather, Kat, and the shadow shrouded figure navigate the twisted adventure ahead.
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