28 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 0000
Jul 21, 2021323 views
Episode 2
Chapter 0001: Emberson and Friends
Jul 21, 2021148 views
Episode 3
Chapter 0002: The Emberson Family
Jul 21, 2021115 views
Episode 4
Chapter 0003: Jealousy
Jul 21, 202198 views
Episode 5
Chapter 0004: Calm Before the Storm
Jul 21, 202186 views
Episode 6
Chapter 0005: The Ceremony
Jul 22, 202137 views
Episode 7
Chapter 0006: The Goddess of Destruction
Jul 22, 202146 views
Episode 8
Chapter 0007: Martyr
Jul 23, 202136 views
Episode 9
Chapter 0008: Ruthless
Jul 25, 202131 views
Episode 10
Chapter 0009: Contractor
Jul 26, 202130 views
Episode 11
Chapter 0010: Fuel
Jul 27, 202126 views
Episode 12
Chapter 0011: Voltaic
Jul 28, 202143 views
Episode 13
Chapter 0012: Pounce
Jul 29, 202122 views
Episode 14
Chapter 0013: Reaper
Jul 30, 202136 views
Episode 15
Chapter 0013.5: Reaper (Part 2)
Jul 30, 202130 views
Episode 16
Chapter 0014: Souls
Jul 31, 202124 views
Episode 17
Chapter 0015: Omen
Aug 01, 202141 views
Episode 18
Chapter 0016: Mission
Aug 02, 202134 views
Episode 19
Chapter 0017: Gatherer
Aug 03, 202194 views
Episode 20
Chapter 0018: Hunter
Aug 04, 202136 views
God Source is about a boy named Cato who lives on the Continent, Terra.
Terra is home to six deities, Mountain, Nature, Fire, Ocean, Demon, and Beast. These deities grant their subjects powers through contracts, allowing their subjects to use a portion of the deity's true power.
However, some deities are restless and expecting war. Will Cato have enough time to become a warrior to save his family and friends? Or will he walk a path of revenge, forever alone, never to experience true joy again? Read to find out.
P.S. I recommend reading until 'The Ceremony' before dropping the story:)
As I touched the red gemstone, my body launched into a tunnel.
It felt like one of the tunnels I would walk through every day to get to the town square, but something was off. The sconces on the wall were different colored flames, some red, some blue, some white, and some even green.
I wasn't walking, yet I was gliding through the tunnel. I continued to speed up until the sconces turned into bright blurs in my vision.
'I wonder what that huge noise was outside? Nobody has attacked the Fire Tribe in years; it couldn't have been an attack, right?' My thoughts raced as I thought about where Blaze and Angelica might have been in the line.
When I finally came to the end of the tunnel, it spat me out onto a never-ending expanse of the color red.
The horizon glowed a brighter red while, what should have been the sky above me, was a dark maroon providing little light.
The floor was the most interesting. It seemed as if it were stained the color it was—a dark, unsightly red.
I studied the floor more with nothing else to do. I pushed my index finger into it and was met with solid resistance. When I dragged my finger across the floor, it picked up a line of crusted red that had stained the floor.
I brought it to my nose and came to one conclusion;
This never-ending expanse, someone had coated it in blood.
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God Source is about a boy named Cato who lives on the Continent, Terra.
Terra is home to six deities, Mountain, Nature, Fire, Ocean, Demon, and Beast. These deities grant their subjects powers through contracts, allowing their subjects to use a portion of the deity's true power.
However, some deities are restless and expecting war. Will Cato have enough time to become a warrior to save his family and friends? Or will he walk a path of revenge, forever alone, never to experience true joy again? Read to find out.
P.S. I recommend reading until 'The Ceremony' before dropping the story:)
As I touched the red gemstone, my body launched into a tunnel.
It felt like one of the tunnels I would walk through every day to get to the town square, but something was off. The sconces on the wall were different colored flames, some red, some blue, some white, and some even green.
I wasn't walking, yet I was gliding through the tunnel. I continued to speed up until the sconces turned into bright blurs in my vision.
'I wonder what that huge noise was outside? Nobody has attacked the Fire Tribe in years; it couldn't have been an attack, right?' My thoughts raced as I thought about where Blaze and Angelica might have been in the line.
When I finally came to the end of the tunnel, it spat me out onto a never-ending expanse of the color red.
The horizon glowed a brighter red while, what should have been the sky above me, was a dark maroon providing little light.
The floor was the most interesting. It seemed as if it were stained the color it was—a dark, unsightly red.
I studied the floor more with nothing else to do. I pushed my index finger into it and was met with solid resistance. When I dragged my finger across the floor, it picked up a line of crusted red that had stained the floor.
I brought it to my nose and came to one conclusion;
This never-ending expanse, someone had coated it in blood.
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