The antique Grandfather clock struck 7pm, startling a dozing Harry. He had fallen asleep, in the lap of his Blonde Slytherin, not long after returning to the 8th year common room. Draco, who had also fallen asleep, resumed stroking Harry's hair in an attempt to sooth his frazzled mind.
"I'm thinking of heading up to bed, anyone coming?" Harry announced, he stood up stretching his sleep induced muscles. Draco followed his lead; he glanced over at Ron and Hermione who were hidden behind mountains of homework.
"You guys go, we won't be far behind you... hopefully." Ron's groan drifted out from the homework. Hermione popped her head round to give a reassuring nod before disappearing to complete her workload. Harry intertwined his finger with Draco's as he lead the way to their shared room.
After the war, the 8th years had been given a shared common room and dormitories "due to a lack of space in existing common rooms" (as Professor McGonagall frequently reminded them) but this had its perks. 8th years curfew was now 10pm and not 8pm; they were allowed access to all four common rooms; 8th years were given the rights to roam the halls of Hogwarts without reason; and to top it all, they chose who (and how many people) they wished to share their room with. However, the last perk resulted in frequent room changes and a great amount of transfigured broom cupboards.
Draco and Harry had been assigned to share a room at the beginning of the year and their love had blossomed from that day forth. Since they had started dating, they were inseparable when they weren't in class. Everyone had begun to take this as the norm so it didn't surprise them that when they passed Neville in the hall, all he did was nod a good night. This only made Harry giddier at the thought of how excepted they had become over the course of the year.
They finally made it to their room, falling through the door they erupted with laughter. "Don't take your time to change for bed, I'm really cold!" Draco warned as he rooted through his trunk in efforts to locate his Gryffindor pyjamas. He was about to give up when he notice Harry, seated crossed legged at the end of their bed and in his Slytherin ones, was balancing Draco's on his head. "Ha Ha, very funny. Now hand them over or suffer my wrath!" Draco taunted, Harry rewarded his efforts by beginning a game of cat and mouse to see who would end up with the pyjamas.
After several minutes, Harry collapsed on the bed. Draco took this as his chance and dived, from the other side of the bed, and ceased the Pyjamas once and for all. "That's not fair!" Harry gasped, struggling to steady his breathing, "You caught me off guard!" Harry resorted to pouting in the hopes of wining against the blonde. Draco broke into uncontrollable laughter which only angered the Gryffindor. "What's so funny?" Harry demanded, Draco rolled onto the floor and contained to laugh. "That's it! You sleep on your own tonight!" Harry marched over to the corner of the room and conjured up a neatly made bed, into which he climbed preparing to sleep. Draco came racing over to his side, finally controlling his urge to laugh, and tried his best to apologies. The Gryffindor was having no of it; Draco dragged himself across the room and clambered into the cold bed. Taking one last glance at Harry, he shrugged the covers closer to his chin and began to doze off into a fitful slumber.
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