3 episodes
Episode 1
Class Meeting-01
Nov 23, 2015277 views
Episode 2
Class Meeting-02
Nov 23, 2015132 views
Episode 3
Class Meeting-03
Dec 07, 2015499 views
Penny Schwartz is a young girl, 17 about to be 18 and heading into college right after highschool. She is about average, in well everything. Not much different except one day seeing a rather tall, girl staring at her from a window one day in her class. If that does not suck it ends up new people keep pouring into her senior classes and cause chaos. All she really want to do is graduate but meeting Grizella proved her goals are harder to reach.
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Penny Schwartz is a young girl, 17 about to be 18 and heading into college right after highschool. She is about average, in well everything. Not much different except one day seeing a rather tall, girl staring at her from a window one day in her class. If that does not suck it ends up new people keep pouring into her senior classes and cause chaos. All she really want to do is graduate but meeting Grizella proved her goals are harder to reach.
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