1 episode
In the Misty mountains, a young hunter named Hakka and his partner, a spiritual primate Bapu, has a Vine abilities to help Hakka adapt in the mountain wild for 9 years since they're separated from home. Once they're ready to leave, an enormous dragon has ambush around the mountains.
This manga read from left to right compare to my previous series and its pitch comes mostly from hunter x hunter/ toriko and law of ueki cause plant powers
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In the Misty mountains, a young hunter named Hakka and his partner, a spiritual primate Bapu, has a Vine abilities to help Hakka adapt in the mountain wild for 9 years since they're separated from home. Once they're ready to leave, an enormous dragon has ambush around the mountains.
This manga read from left to right compare to my previous series and its pitch comes mostly from hunter x hunter/ toriko and law of ueki cause plant powers
Completed series
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